Selamat Idul Fitri Teman-teman

Keluarga Dedi Aryadi Al-Jazairi Mengucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri Taqobbalallahu minna wa minkum.

Buat yang Mudik

Hati - hati di jalan semoga sampai tujuan dan kembali dengan selamat

Menuju Hari Kemerdekaan

Tunggu dulu, Kita sudah merdeka belum ya?

Cari kata MAAF

Jangan cari "maaf" di website ini. karena hanya bisa didapat di "hati"


Mohon Do'a nya Website ini sedang berjalan menuju full publik, Insya Alloh, Aamieen.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

How to Delete Dashboard Widgets ?

Mac OS X Dashboard widgets are a great way to perform quick tasks that pertain to everything from calculators to calendars to finding new movies. Still, the convenience of using Dashboard widgets has its price: Dashboard widgets are RAM and power hungry, and the more widgets you have loaded, the more RAM and power the Dashboard consumes. In this lesson, we will learn how to remove under- and unused Dashboard widgets in Mac OS X 10.4/10.5/10.6 !
  1. Press "F12" on your Mac's keyboard to engage the Dashboard and bring all of the currently loaded widgets to the foreground on your computer screen.
  2. In the bottom-left corner of your computer screen, find a "+" surrounded by a circle. Clicking this icon will open the "Dashboard Editor." Click the "Dashboard Editor" icon once.
  3. After clicking the "Dashboard Editor," look for a row of all of the currently loaded Dashboard widgets that will pop up at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Once the Dashboard widgets are visible on the bottom of your screen, notice that the loaded widgets in your main screen all have an "X" surrounded by a circle icon in the upper-left corner of the widget. To disable the widget, simply click on the icon, and the widget will unload from the Dashboard. Click closed as many widgets as you wish to unload from the Dashboard. Depress your "F12" key or click on the desktop to close the Dashboard.

Dashboard Tips and Tricks !

Dashboard App for iPad !

Application Tips !

Install Jdownloader in Ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10 using Ubuntu PPA

JDownloader is open source platform independent and written completely in Java. It simplifies downloading files from One-Click-Hosters like or - not only for users with a premium account but also for users who don’t pay. It offers downloading in multiple paralell streams, captcha recognition, automatical file extraction and much more. Of course, JDownloader is absolutely free of charge. Additionally, many “link encryption” sites are supported - so you just paste the “encrypted” links and JD does the rest. JDownloader can import CCF, RSDF and the new DLC files.
Install Jdownloader in Ubuntu 10.10/10.04/9.10

Open the terminal and run the following command
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jd-team/jdownloader
sudo apt-get update 
sudo apt-get install jdownloader


This is the full list of compiz packages I have installed (Intrepid):


Ubuntu Tips And Tricks : Compiz Fusion

Compiz Fusion is available as a separate Windows Manager, to allow advanced desktop effects such as the rotating cube desktop. Many Ubuntu users choose to run Compiz, which is quite fast in Ubuntu. 

sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-main
compiz-fusion-plugins-extra emerald librsvg2-common
To change to Compiz as the Window Manager:
System -> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager
Note: You must logout and log back in for the change to take effect.

Fusion Icon

Fusion Icon is a tray icon that allows you to easily switch between window managers, window decorators, and gives you quick access to the Compiz Settings Manager. This allows quick toggling of 3-D desktop effects (that may not be compatible with some applications).

sudo apt-get install fusion-icon
Applications -> System Tools -> Compiz Fusion Icon
You can then easily access CompizConfig Settings Manager from the icon.


Rotate the Compiz Cube

Set the CompizConfig Settings Manager to enable the "Desktop Cube" and "Rotate Cube" and "Viewport Switcher" options. Click on the icon for each to customize settings. For example, to change the appearance of the cube, click on the Desktop Cube icon to access its settings. You can set the hotkey buttons for rotating the cube in the "Viewport Switcher" settings. Otherwise, hold down the Ctrl+Alt+Left mouse button and drag the mouse (or touchpad) the direction you want to rotate the cube.
Remember, the cube rotates between desktops. It's not a cube unless you have at least 4 desktops running. You will not get a cube if you are only using 2 desktops (you will get a "plate"). You can still rotate the sides of the plate, of course, but it will not be a cube. (Recent users from the Windows OS may have no experience with the concept of simultaneous desktops, but they are nice once you learn how to use them).
When running Compiz fusion as the Windows Manager, you must change the default number of desktops from within CompizConfig Settings Manger. To enable 4 desktops:
CompizConfig Settings Manager -> General -> General Options -> Desktop Size -> Horizontal Virtual Size -> 4
When you start an application, you can assign it to any one of the 4 desktops by right-clicking the upper left corner of the application window and choosing the "To Desktop..." option. Rotating the cube shows the different desktops. You can also go to a desktop using the taskbar icon which shows the 4 desktop.

Jadilah Lelaki Pertama di Hatinya

Bijairumi mengatakan, “Menikahi bikr atau gadis itu memiliki tiga manfaat sebagai berikut:

إحداها أن تحب الزوج الاول وتألفه، والطباع مجبولة على الانس بأول مأولف، وأما التي مارست الرجال فربما لا ترضى ببعض الاوصاف التي تخالف ما ألفته فتكره الزوج الثاني.

Pertama, dia akan mencintai dan akrab dengan suaminya yang pertama. Manusia memiliki karakter untuk merasa nyaman dengan hal pertama kali yang dia kenal. Sedangkan wanita yang telah berpengalaman dengan banyak laki-laki maka boleh jadi dia tidak suka dengan sebuah sifat atau perilaku yang berbeda dengan perilaku yang telah biasa dia terima akhirnya dia kurang suka dengan suami yang pertama.

الفائدة الثانية أن ذلك أكمل في مودته لها.

Kedua, memiliki istri gadis untuk menjadi sebab suami memiliki cinta yang lebih sempurna kepadanya

الثالثة: لا تحن إلا للزوج الاول.

Ketiga, seorang gadis tidak akan kangen dan terkenang kecuali kepada pasangan yang pertama.

ولبعضهم: نقل فؤادك حيث شئت من الهوى # ما الحب إلا للحبيب الاول

Seorang penyair mengatakan,
Tambatkan hatimu pada siapa saja yang kau sukai
Tidaklah cinta kecuali pada lelaki pertama yang kau cintai

كم منزل في الارض يألفه الفتى # وحنينه أبدا لاول منزل ؟ اه.

Betapa banyak tempat yang pernah disinggahi
Rasa kangen hanyalah pada tempat yang pertama kali”. Sekian kutipan dari perkataan al Baijuri. ”
[Hasyiyah I’anah al Thalibin juz 3 hal 271, karya Sayyid Muhammad Syatho cetakan al Haramain]

Jika kita bawa penjelasan di atas kepada realita sekeliling kita, bisa kita simpulkan bahwa bikr atau gadis yang dimaksudkan oleh para ulama sebagai wanita yang dianjurkan untuk dinikahi bukanlah sembarang gadis alias asalkan masih perawan namun gadis yang belum pernah tersentuh atau terjamah laki-laki dengan bahasa lain belum pernah jatuh ke dalam dekapan laki-laki yang pernah menempati ruangan khusus dalam hatinya. Itulah -meminjam istilah dari Abu Muhammad al Ashri-gadis “culun” yang belum pernah mengenal pacar dan pacaran apalagi malah pernah menjadi playgirl. Sungguh beruntung laki-laki yang mendapatkannya.


Free Mac OS X Applications !

Web Browsers

* Firefox - Quick and Secure Web Browser

* Camino – A good looking Mac-styled browser, built on the Firefox engine.

* Safari – The default browser included with OS X, with a bunch of new features in the latest release.

* Opera – A powerful browser with a few new interesting features; speed dial, search shortcuts, and a tab trash can.

* Omniweb – Taking a different approach, and assisting you with online research


* QLab – Live Media Timelines for Mac OS X

* UltraMixer – Professional Digital DJ Solution to Mix Digital Music in Various Formats.

* ToolPlayer – Simple Music Player for OS X that Supports FLAC, MP3, Apple Lossless, AIFF, WAV, etc

* SimpleSynth – Plug MIDI Keyboard and Play with SimpleSynth

* Spotify – Spotify allows you to stream almost any song you can imagine via the internet. Access is free, though you’ll need to listen to a short advertisement every few songs.

* Songbird – A non-proprietary, cross platform, extensible tool with a great interface

* iTunes – The de-facto music player for OS X, Windows and iPod users

* Audion 3 – Now discontinued, but worth checking out

* Juice – A quality app for browsing and downloading podcasts

* Audacity – For editing and converting audio files.

Email, Chat and RSS

* Thunderbird – Email Application to Help You Organize, Secure and Customize Your Mail

* Adium – Free Universal Instant Messaging Application for Mac

* Microsoft Messenger – MSN Messenger Client for Mac

* Skype – Application for Phone Call over Internet

* Colloquy – Advanced IRC, SILC and ICB Client

* – Live Chat Application with Website’s Visitors

* NewsFire – A stylish RSS reader

* Vienna – Providing features comparable to commercial newsreaders for free.

* Shrook - A next-generation news reader

* RSSOwl – Filtering, labels and completely cross platform

* Dashboard RSS Reader – Keep RSS information easily accessible via Dashboard


* TweetDeck - Multi paned browsing, and very popular

* Twitteriffic – The classic Twitter client, with a great UI

* Twhirl – Friendly, colorful, and great multiple account support.

* EventBox – For Twitter, and a bunch of other social media networks

* Tweetr – Easy file sharing and webcam support


* VLC Media Player – Cross-Platform Multimedia Player

* RealPlayer – Mac OS X Version of RealPlayer

* Flash Player – Flash Player for Your Mac

* ooVoo – Free Video Chat and Video Conferencing

* Jing – Instantly Captures Images and Records Video

* FrameByFrame – Stop Motion Movie Creator for Mac

* AutoRate – iTunes Rating Made Easy

* Miro - Aiming to provide easily accessible, fully intergrated internet video

* Flip4Mac WMV – For enabling WMV videos in QuickTime

* Handbrake – The ultimate tool for converting video between formats

* Perian - An open source QuickTime component that adds native support for many popular video formats.

* DivX Player – A simple, free player for DivX files.


* iPhoto – The in-built photo app on OS X, with face recognition and geo-tagging support.

* Gimp – A free, cross platform photo editor.

* Seashore – Built on GIMP, with a slightly different user interface

* Flickr Uploader – A simple and free solution for uploading Flickr photos

* JetPhoto – Feature-rich and easy-to-use digital photo software

* Picasa – Picasa is designed and owned by Google. It offers a bunch of great features, and is also capable of sharing photos online.

FTP & File Sharing

* Cyberduck - A free alternative to commercial FTP applications

* Filezilla – Great for accessing FTP servers, and completely cross-platform

* Acquisition – In-built torrent searching and integration with iTunes.

* Tomato Torrent - A slightly dated but perfectly functional torrent manager

* Classic FTP -Easy to Use FTP Client

Office & Text Editor

* TextWrangler – A great, free, code editor for OS X

* Bean – A small, easy-to-use rich text processor

* AbiWord – A full featured, open source alternative to Open Office

* Smultron – Good looking, and great for web programming, script editing, making a to do list etc.

* jEdit – Aimed at technical users, an editor specifically for programming

* OpenOffice – OpenOffice is a worthy alternative to Microsoft Office, and comes at a far more attractive price


* Growl – A great system-wide notification system

* Disk Inventory X – For viewing a graphical representation of what’s eating up your hard drive

* AppCleaner – Allows you to remove any trace of an application

* Smart Reporter – Be notified if your hard drive seems likely to fail

* FuzzyClock – A fun and slightly less formal way to display the time in your menu bar.

* Quicksilver – Quicksilver is a powerful shortcut tool, which allows you to manipulate files and work with applications – all without needing to open them.

* Paparazzi – Utility for Mac OS X to Make Screenshots of Webpages

* Linotype FontExplorer X -Font Management Application

* iStat Pro – Highly Configurable Mac OS X Widget that Helps You Monitor Your System


* Deeper – Personalization Utility for Mac OS X which Reveals Hidden Settings

* MacLoc – Log Out from System without Closing Applications

* OnyX – Multifunction Utility for Maintenance, Optimization and Personalization of Your System

* Loginox – Application for Easier Customization of Login Screen

* Mactracker – Mactracker Provides Detailed Information on Every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS Computers

* SuperDocker – Little Application to Help You Modify Your Dock, Dashboard or Safari Loading Bar’s Appearance with Simple Drag & Drop

File Management

* AppCleaner – Small Application to Allow You Thoroughly Uninstall Unwanted Apps

* AppFresh - Application to Keep All Applications Up-To-Date

* Carbon Copy Cloner - Clone, Synchronize and Backup Your Files

* SpotInside – Search and Look Inside Documents


* Transmission – Multi-Platform BitTorrent Client

* Vuze – The Reigning Heavy-Weight BitTorrent Client

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Easy Mac Tips !

Cursor Hide & Seek
  • When renting a movie from iTunes, you can watch the entire movie even if you only have only one minute left on your rental before it expires
  • You can hide your cursor while browsing in Safari or Firefox simply by pressing the 'esc' key. If you want to get it back ? Wiggle the mouse.
Setech Astronomy
Keep your secrets. Choose 'Secure Empty Trash...' from the Finder menu so that your files will not be able to be restored by recovery tools.

Skip, skip to the end of the line.
Command+Arrows will move you as far as possible in that direction when editing text.
Up: Top of doc. Down: bottom. Left: Start of line. etc.

Make a Business Card iPod Stand
Got an business card ? Need an iPod stand ? Make one with some scissors & folding skills. Use the instructions here

Might as well jump.
At the bottom of a page in Mobile Safari on your iPhone ? Simply tap the title bar near the clock to quickly scroll up to the top of the page

Stay in place in your space
Use Spaces ? Want to open a new Safari window but stay in the Space you're in ? Just CTRL click the Safari icon in your dock then 'New Window'

Get you PC Game On!
Want to play PC games on your Mac without installing Boot Camp, Windows, Parallels or VMWare ? Try CrossOver Games:

Finder Uninterrupted
When you are absolutely sure, hold down option when selecting restart, shut down, or log out to avoid the "are you sure you want to" message.

Extra Quartz Composer Screen Savers
Nav to /System/Library/Compositions and drag the .qtz files that you can see in Quick Look into the preview of a screen saver in System Pref.

Multiple iTunes Libraries
Holding down the option key while iTunes launches will allow you to choose/create iTunes libraries, good for local vs. external collections.

OS X Defined
Holding Command+Control+D and hovering over any word gives you the dictionary definition. Click 'more' to launch the dictionary application.

Helpful Safari Shortcuts
To get a list of useful Safari shortcuts. Paste this local URL into Safari file:///Applications/

Leopard Application Menu

Drag the Applications folder to the right side of the Dock. Control+click and choose list. Now you have your very own Apps menu when clicked

Quick Spotlight Search
Spotlight. One of the best features of a Mac and best and easiest way to find files on your Mac. Shortcut "Command+Space Bar" and type away.

Print Screen for Mac
Hold down ctrl + command, shift and 4 or 3 to copy screen print image to clipboard, then it's ready to paste in an email or any document.

Spotlight Adds Up
If you want to do a simple mathematical equation, type it in the spotlight search field. For example if you type 2+2 you get 4 as the result

Where are you going
When browsing in Safari if you want to see where a link is going to take you before you click, Cmd + / opens the status bar for you to check

Windows in Spaces
Using Spaces, click & hold on to a window. Now press control+arrow to go to a different space. The held window will follow to the new space.

Selective Screen Grab
Press the command-shift-4 buttons to take a screen shot of a selected area of the screen, works great if you don't want the whole screen.

Free Office Suite
Want a great free alternative to Microsoft Office for Mac ? Try The free office suite OpenOffice has been ported to Mac !

High Contrast Display
Command+Option+Control+8 inverts the screen. Helpful on laptops for better contrast outdoors and also creeping out people that shoulder surf

Fine tune your volume
If you use Option + Shift while pressing on the Mac's volume function keys, your volume adjusts by smaller increments than usually possible.

Shortcuts in Open & Save
Command+Shift+D jumps to the desktop in the open and save dialog box. Use different combos, Command+Shift+H will take you home for instance.

Mac A-Z Glossary

Basic Mac OS X Security !

Tip #1: The Administrator is Not for Daily Use

Contrary to what Apple does with the setup program, the administrator account is not viable for daily use. There are too many things this account can do that you don’t want a script to be able to, such as cleaning out /Applications or various folders within /Library.

  • Go make another account in System Preferences
  • Make it an administrator
  • Login with the new account and remove administrator rights from your original account
  • Log back in with the original account
Now when you’re prompted to enter a password to do something creative, use the admin account name. This has the added benefit that people that walk up to your computer can’t do bad things to the system, either (just your account, so keep reading).

Tip #2: System Preferences is Not for Daily Use

You can do some crazy stuff in System Preferences. Happily, Apple realized this and added some settings to protect the system from random idiots (driver or passengers). You’ll want to use these to lock System Preferences out to roaming users that happen to get a hold of your computer. Open System Preferences and go to the Security pane. Review the following as you make the changes.
  • Require password to wake this computer from sleep or screen saver: This does exactly what it says. If you put the computer to sleep or have a screen saver setup then you’ll be asked for your user account information to unlock the computer. Use this, especially on portables. Of course, a restart will make this go away, so …
  • Disable automatic login: This completely disables automatic login. Your system will startup to a login panel with a list of names. This is the most secure option because it doesn’t make the computer usable from a cold boot. If you know the system will log you in as a user with a restart, any security measure meant to prevent someone from having user-level access can be defeated with a reboot. Turn this on to prevent that.
  • Require password to unlock each secure system preference: Notice how a lot of preferences have that lock at the bottom (like Network, Security, and Accounts)? Turning this on locks all of those by default, requiring an admin password (even for the admin user) to unlock. If you don’t do this, anyone can come right back to this preference pane and turn all of these settings off. Check it.
  • Log out after __ minutes of inactivity: More annoying than useful to me, but if you tend to walk away from your computer and don’t mind losing your place in your work, turn this on. Locking the screensaver works well for me, instead.
  • Use secure virtual memory: Turn this on. If this is off, then any time you enter a password it’s possible the system will write that password out in a block of memory it’s dumped to a file in /var/vm and, thus, makes the password recoverable. Using secure VM means those files are encrypted and it’s near-impossible to discover a user’s password from the swap files.

Tip #3: Turn off Services You Do Not Use

Go to System Preferences, then Sharing. Uncheck everything you’re not using, even if you think you will. Turn it on when you need it and turn it off when you’re done.

Tip #4: Outbound Calls Only, Please (Firewall)

Some look at Apple’s firewall as useless because it automatically pinholes running services and doesn’t allow some users in while locking some users or or whatnot. It’s not a commercial-level firewall (GUI) but it does do something very well: it prevents ports opened by rootkits or trojans from being accessible. Turn on the firewall and unauthorized listeners will be blocked.

It also makes our SSH hack above useless by blocking 2200 by default.  Click on New and pick Other from the menu and add 2200 as an option and check it and any other services you want to offer.

Tip #5: Freeze the Credit Card (Keychain)

The Keychain is the most dangerous moment of brilliance I’ve ever seen. On one side, it knows your passwords to everything and lets you get away with being human while still being secure. On the other, it lets you get away with being human while being insecure. If you walk away, I can connect to just about any password-protected service you have access to and the computer will fill in the password for me.

Yet, it has controls (again, turned off by default) that let you get around this. In Keychain Access, go to Edit and then to Change Settings for Keychain. You can do two things here: set an idle timeout, or tell it to lock on sleep. I prefer just locking on sleep, myself, because I rather depend on the screensaver to do the idle locking for my systems. Sleep, however, especially for portable users, means that the person waking the computer may or may not be the owner, and that’s prime time to start asking for passwords. Until a password is entered you won’t be on IM, or checking mail, or whatever else. Programs that use passwords will be locked from getting new data.

If your keychain password is different from your account password then you have an even greater level of security as the screensaver password won’t work for the keychain, and vice-versa.

Tip #6: Make a Good Password

The best password I’ve ever seen was someone that memorized a Windows license key and moved the sections around. Almost pure randomness, but ordered enough to remember. There are easier ways, and things you already know. For instance, do you know your car’s license plate? Know the plates of previous cars? Combine them in a memorable fashion, such as breaking them in half and merging two plates together.

Another popular method is to take two longish words and misspell them. That would result in something like “twinkel%unihorn” or “rut]row” or the like. Easy to remember, and hard to guess.

If that’s too simple for you, Keychain Access has a tool that helps make passwords, but since there’s no emotional investment in them they can be hard to remember (though, there is a phonetic method that makes near-English words as passwords). To get there pick New Password Item from the File menu and click on the lock icon (just one way; there are other ways to get to the assistant).

Developer Tips

Fix Low Screen Resolution At Start UP

Step 1: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

sudo apt-get install v86d

...a terminal window will appear. Enter your password when asked, hit the Enter key and wait for the package to be installed. The terminal window will automatically close!

Review image

Step 2: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

gksu gedit /etc/default/grub

...enter your password when asked and hit the Enter key.

- Replace the following line (line number 9):


with this one:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset video=uvesafb:mode_option=1280x1024-24,mtrr=3,scroll=ywrap"

- Replace the following line (line number 18):


with this one:


The file should look like this:
Review image
Save the file and close it!

Step 3: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

gksu gedit /etc/initramfs-tools/modules
When the text window appears, add the following line at the end of the file:

uvesafb mode_option=1280x1024-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap

It should look like this:
Review image

Save the file and close it!

Step 4: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash

...a terminal window will appear for a second or two. The terminal window will automatically close!
Review image

Step 5: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

sudo update-grub2

...a terminal window will appear. Enter your password when asked, hit the Enter key and wait for the command to finish. The terminal window will automatically close!
Review image

Step 6: Hit the ALT+F2 key combination, paste the following command and check the "Run in terminal" option:

sudo update-initramfs -u
...a terminal window will appear. Enter your password when asked, hit the Enter key and wait for the command to finish. The terminal window will automatically close!
Review image

Step 7: Reboot your computer. When the system starts, you should see a better looking Ubuntu logo!
Review image

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Public Key Is Not Avaiable

When you getting this problems usually when you update:

The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 54422A4B98AB5139
The solution is simple.Take the first key you have problem with, for example E635A714505A2DD1, take the last 8 symbols (in this case - 505A2DD1) and run the following in the terminal:

gpg --keyserver --recv 505A2DD1
gpg --export --armor 505A2DD1 | sudo apt-key add -
Then repeat this step with every problematic key.

Tip of the Day !

Bertepuk Tangan Merupakan Perbuatan Jahiliyah


Syaikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz ditanya : Apakah bertepuk tangan dalam suatu acara atau pesta diperbolehkan, ataukah itu termasuk pebuatan makruh?


Bertepuk tangan dalam suatu pesta merupakan perbuatan jahiliyah, dan setidaknya perbuatan itu adalah perbuatan yang makruh. Tetapi secara jelas dalil-dalil yang terdapat dalam al-Qur'an menunjukkan bahwa hal itu adalah perbuatan yang diharamkan dalam agama Islam; karena kaum muslimin dilarang mengikuti ataupun menyerupai perbuatan orang-orang kafir. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala telah berfirman tentang sifat orang-orang kafir penduduk Makkah,

"Sembahyang mereka di sekitar Baitullah itu, tidak lain hanyalah siulan dan tepukan tangan." [Al-Anfal: 35]

Para ulama berkata, "Al-Muka' mengandung pengertian bersiul, sedangkan At-Tashdiyah mengandung pengertian bertepuk tangan. Adapun perbuatan yang disunnahkan bagi kaum muslimin adalah jika mereka melihat atau mendengar sesuatu yang membuat mereka takjub, hendaklah mereka mengucapkan Subhanallah atau Allahu Akbar sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadits-hadits shahih dari Nabi Shallallahu `alaihi wa sallam .

Bertepuk tangan hanya disyariatkan khusus bagi kaum wanita ketika mendapatkan seorang imam melakukan suatu kesalahan di dalam shalat saat mereka melaksanakan shalat berjamaah bersama kaum pria, maka kaum wanita disyariatkan untuk mengingatkan kesalahan imam dengan cara bertepuk tangan, sedangkan kaum pria memperingatkannya dengan cara bertasbih (mengucap kata Subhanallah) sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam hadits dari Nabi Shallallahu `alaihi wa sallam . Maka jelaslah bahwa bertepuk tangan bagi kaum pria merupakan penyerupaan terhadap perbuatan orang-orang kafir dan perbuatan wanita, sehingga bertepuk tangan dalam suatu pesta -baik kaum pria maupun wanita- adalah dilarang menurut syariat. Semoga Allah memberi petunjuk.

[Fatawa Mu'ashirah, hal. 67, Syaikh Ibn Baz]


ColorSync Utilities !

Mac OS X contains a number of useful utilities that can enhance creative workflows. In the root-level folder /Library/Scripts/ColorSync are editable AppleScript utilities that perform various common design tasks.

Say, for example, you have a collection of images in a directory that you would like to prepare for the web by embedding the sRGB color profile. Rather than open the images individually to assign the profile, you could use the "Embed chosen profile" script instead by simply dragging-and-dropping your collection of images on that script's icon in the Colorsync folder. A real time-saver when dealing with hundreds of images. And, because these scripts are editable, you can customize them to be specific to your workflow needs.

The Immaculate Desktop !

Are you the sort of neat-freak who abhors Desktop clutter? Who keeps all apps and docs in carefully organized folders? Consider diving deeper into onscreen clean by making your mounted drives and discs disappear from the Desktop and accessing them instead via Finder windows.

Here’s how to try it: From the Finder, pull down the Finder menu and select Preferences — or just press Command-comma [⌘ ,] from within the Finder. Click the General tab and uncheck Hard disks; CDs, DVDs, and iPods; and Connected servers.

Next, click the Sidebar tab and check the boxes next to all the items you unchecked under the General tab.

When you want to access a drive, disk, or server, just open a Finder window by pressing Command-n [⌘ n] from within the Finder. And when you close the Finder windows, your desktop will be spotless. (Remember, Command-w [⌘ w] closes a Finder window, and Command-Option-w [⌘ ⌥ w] closes all Finder windows at once.

Create Your Own Icons !

You don’t have to live with the icons your Mac displays by default. Instead, personalize your folders, files, and drives with custom icons using just about any graphic file you desire, whether it’s a jpeg, gif, png, Photoshop or Illustrator file, or even a PDF.

First, choose an image you want to use and open it in Preview. If the file doesn’t open in Preview by default, select the image in Finder, select Open With from the File menu and then select Preview from the drop-down list.

Once your image has opened in Preview, press Command-C to copy it.

Next, select the file, folder or drive whose icon you want to change, and press Command-I to show its Info window.

Click the file, folder, or drive icon at the top left corner of the Info screen, then press Command-V to replace this icon with your chosen image.

Close the Info window. The new image should appear in place of the old icon on your desktop or Finder window — even in List view.

To make your icons appear larger or smaller, go to the Finder and select View Options from the View menu. Use the slider in the pop-up window to change your icons’ display size on the desktop or in Finder windows.

You can also copy icons from the Info window of one file, folder, or drive to another. Just select the desired icon, copy it, then select the icon you want to replace and paste. Want to revert to the default Mac icon? Select your custom icon in the Info window and press the Delete key.

More Icon Tips: The most successful icons are clear, small images without too much detail, like a close-up photo of a face or a flower. You may want to crop an existing image down to a single detail in an image-editing program to create a better-looking icon — or use one of the thousands of purpose-made icons available in various online collections.

Keep in mind that using a large image as an icon increases the file size of your destination folder or file. For example, using a 3.4 MB photo as an icon for a 36 KB document increases that document’s total file size to 92 KB. Try creating a lower-resolution or smaller version of your image instead.

Mouse-Free Folder Moves !

Try opening and closing folders with the left and right arrow keys instead of double-clicking.

One of the best tricks for speeding up your computer work is to keep your hands on the keyboard, not the mouse.

It’s not a macho, anti-mouse thing, but a simple matter of efficient motion. Using the mouse or trackpad means moving your hands off the keyboard, locating the cursor, making your move, and then shifting your hands back to the keys. If you can skip these steps, things tend to go faster.

There’s no better example than navigating folders within Finder windows. You can select, open, and browse folders from the keyboard for greater speed and less multi-window clutter.

Test it out yourself: In Finder, open a new window by pressing Command-N. To view the folders in List view, press Command-2. (Command-1 lets you view by Icons, while Command-3 changes the view to Columns.)

In List or Columns view, choose a folder that contains several subfolders, and open it by pressing the right arrow key. You can move up and down between folders or documents by pressing the up and down arrow keys. Close folders (or navigate backwards, if you’re in Columns view) with the left arrow key.

When you’ve located the file you want, speed your work even more by opening it with Command-O instead of double-clicking. In most Mac applications, you can close the file again by typing Command-W.

Once you’re accustomed to navigating through folders and files with key commands, you may be surprised by how fast you can move around, mouse-free, on your Mac.

Saving Documents and Web Pages as PDFs !

Adobe’s PDF format offers a great way to save and send electronic documents, from formatted business letters to product brochures. PDF documents appear identically on all computers, so you don’t have to worry about things like whether the recipient has access to the same fonts as you or if your company logo and other graphics will display properly.

PDFs are also an excellent way to quickly save “snapshots” of web pages for future reference. Since some web pages change frequently, PDFs are a useful way to capture or archive content that might be hard to find again later.

To save a document or web page as a PDF, open it and press Command-P, just as though you’re going to print the page. But instead of clicking Print or pressing the Return key, click the PDF button in the lower left corner of the Print dialog. Choose Save as PDF at the top of the menu, navigate to the location you’d like to save to, and click Save.

The PDF button also contains other useful options. Mail PDF opens a new message in Apple’s Mail program, with the PDF already attached. Encrypt PDF lets you protect your file with a password. And Compress PDF creates a more compressed version of the file — great for emailing large, multi-page PDFs.

Summarize Your Stories !

Drag the Summary slider to the left to get a more condensed version of your selected text.

When laying out a long story in a newsletter or magazine, it’s often helpful to summarize a story, or a section of a story in a pull-quote or abstract. But how to find the best quote when you’re on a deadline and need it fast? Fortunately, Mac OS X offers a great tool that almost no one knows about: Summary Service.

To find this utility, select some text in Adobe InDesign or some other program that supports this Mac OS X Service (such as TextEdit) and choose Summarize from Services under the Application menu. You can adjust how long you want your summary (in number of sentences or paragraphs) in the Summary dialog box. Drag the Summary Size slider to the left to get a more focused summary; for a pull-quote a one- or two-sentence summary is best.

You wouldn’t expect a computer to be able to analyze some text and provide a good summary but Summary Service is surprisingly good. Try it!

Set Search Priorities in Spotlight

With Spotlight, the powerful search function built into Mac OS X Leopard, you can quickly find anything on your computer: files, folders, emails, applications, even calendar events. And to help speed your searches even more, you can specify which types of data Spotlight should list first when you type in a search term. This is useful if you tend to search for certain items, such as documents or Address Book contacts, more frequently than you search for things like applications or system preferences.

To customize the order of your search results in Spotlight, open the System Preferences menu under the Apple icon, then click on Spotlight. A list of search result categories appears. You can rearrange the order in which Spotlight lists these types of data by simply dragging the category names up or down in the list. If you’d prefer Spotlight to ignore any of these categories during searches, just uncheck the box beside that item.

Figure one: The default order of search items in Spotlight.

Figure two: A customized list of search result categories in Spotlight.

Super-Clean Screenshots !

In Mac OS X Leopard, you can capture an image of your entire screen by typing Command-Shift-3. Typing Command-Shift-4 lets you choose a specific part of your screen to save as a screenshot: Click and hold to place the small cross-hair cursor at one edge of the area you want to capture, then drag horizontally and/or vertically to select. When you release the cursor, the screenshot is saved to your desktop.

But creating screenshots this way often means you need to crop or clean up the edges of the image later. That’s especially true if you’re planning to use it as a graphic element in a document or presentation. Fortunately, Mac OS X Leopard offers a way to save clean screenshots of individual elements on your desktop — such as Finder windows, menus, icons, or the visible portion of an open document — without capturing anything else in the background.

Hold down the Command, Shift, and 4 keys, then press the Spacebar. Instead of a cross-hair cursor, a small camera icon appears. When you move this camera icon over the element you’d like to capture, that element is highlighted. Click your mouse or trackpad, and you’ve captured a screenshot of just that element — no further cleanup required.

Sharing Contacts with vCards !

Electronic versions of old-fashioned Rolodex cards, vCards provide the fastest way to import contacts into your own Address Book or to share your Address Book contacts with friends, family, or colleagues.

Much like their physical predecessors, vCards contain basic contact information (such as name, address, phone, and email). But you can easily add information to enhance their value, including URLs, photos, or logos. And since the vCard format works cross-platform with many contacts programs, including Microsoft Outlook, you can exchange contacts with people who don’t use Address Book in Mac OS X Leopard.

To export a vCard from Address Book on your Mac, just highlight the contact and drag it to your desktop or directly into an email. (The file icon even looks like a Rolodex card.) To import a vCard into Address Book, drag the card-shaped icon into your open Address Book application or onto the Address Book icon in your Dock or Applications folder. Address Book opens (if not already open) and asks you to verify the import. Click Import to have Mac OS X store the vCard’s contact information in Address Book.

Share contacts by dragging vCards to and from Address Book.

Want to export more than one contact from Address Book? Just Command-click to select multiple contacts, and drag them to the desktop or into an email. This method collects all the highlighted contacts in a single vCard file. (Note that although Address Book allows you to export multiple contacts in a single file, Microsoft Outlook only lets you import a single contact per file.)

When you drag this combined vCard into Address Book, all the contacts are added at once as separate Address Book contacts. So with vCards and Address Book, it’s as easy to share a large group of names as it is to share a single contact.

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