Selamat Idul Fitri Teman-teman

Keluarga Dedi Aryadi Al-Jazairi Mengucapkan Selamat Idul Fitri Taqobbalallahu minna wa minkum.

Buat yang Mudik

Hati - hati di jalan semoga sampai tujuan dan kembali dengan selamat

Menuju Hari Kemerdekaan

Tunggu dulu, Kita sudah merdeka belum ya?

Cari kata MAAF

Jangan cari "maaf" di website ini. karena hanya bisa didapat di "hati"


Mohon Do'a nya Website ini sedang berjalan menuju full publik, Insya Alloh, Aamieen.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ternyata Nabi Musa adalah seorang muslim

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Islam (ibrani:Syalowm) mempunyai arti Damai, Selamat sejahtera. Sedangkan Ad-dien Islam mempunyai arti aturan yang selamat sejahtera, sebuah nama yang sangat indah yang diberikan Allah SWT kepada hamba-hambanya yang ingin selamat sejahtera di dunia dan akhirat maka mereka harus masuk ke dalam Ad-dien Islam (aturan yang selamat sejahtera).

وَمَن يَبْتَغِ غَيْرَ ٱلْإِسْلَٰمِ دِينًۭا فَلَن يُقْبَلَ مِنْهُ وَهُوَ فِى ٱلْءَاخِرَةِ مِنَ ٱلْخَٰسِرِينَ

"Barangsiapa mencari agama selain agama Islam, maka sekali-kali tidaklah akan diterima (agama itu)daripadanya, dan dia di akhirat termasuk orang-orang yang rugi".(Qs.Ali-imran.85)

Islam adalah Ad-dien (aturan) yang hakiki yang diturunkan Allah SWT sejak zaman Nabi Adam as sampai Nabi Muhammad SAW. Seorang yang berdien Islam dinamakan seorang Muslim yang artinya tunduk, patuh, berserah diri.

Di dalam Al-quran secara tegas menyatakan bahwa Nabi Ibrahim as beserta anak cucunya adalah seorang Islam, Muslim dan bukan seorang Yahudi maupun Nasrani.

ما كان إبراهيم يهوديًا ولا نصرانيًا ولكن كان حنيفًا مسلمًا وما كان من المشركين

"Ibrahim bukan seorang Yahudi dan bukan seorang Nasrani, akan tetapi dia adalah seorang yang lurus lagi seorang muslim. Dan sekali-kali bukanlah dia termasuk golongan orang-orang musyrik".(Qs.Ali-imran.67)

Sebagai ayah dari para nabi, beliau telah menamakan kita dengan sebutan muslimin. Di dalam Al-Quran, perkataan beliau diabadikan:

إذ قال له ربه أسلم قال أسلمت لرب العالمين، ووصى بها إبراهيم بنيه ويعقوب: يا بني إن الله اصطفى لكم الدين فلا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون

Ketika Tuhannya berfirman kepadanya, BerIslam-lah! Ibrahim menjawab, Aku tunduk patuh kepada Tuhan semesta alam. Dan Ibrahim telah mewasiatkan ucapan itu kepada anak-anaknya, demikian pula Ya’qub. Hai anak-anakku! Sesungguhnya Allah telah memilih agama ini bagimu, maka janganlah kamu mati kecuali dalam memeluk agama Islam.(Qs.Al-baqarah.131-132)

وجاهدوا في الله حق جهاده هو اجتباكم وما جعل عليكم في الدين من حرج ملة أبيكم إبراهيم هو سماكم المسلمين من قبل وفي هذا

Dan berjihadlah kamu pada jalan Allah dengan jihad yang sebenar-benarnya. Dia telah memilih kamu dan Dia sekali-kali tidak menjadikan untuk kamu dalam agama suatu kesempitan.(ikutilah) agama orang tuamu Ibrahim. Dia (Allah) telah menamai kamu sekalian orang-orang muslim dari dahulu, dan dalam ini.(Qs.Al-Hajj:78)

Di dalam Al-quran Nabi Musa as juga seorang islam.

وَقَالَ مُوسَىٰ يَٰقَوْمِ إِن كُنتُمْ ءَامَنتُم بِٱللَّهِ فَعَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلُوٓا۟ إِن كُنتُم مُّسْلِمِينَ

Berkata Musa: "Hai kaumku, jika kamu beriman kepada Allah, maka bertawakkallah kepada-Nya saja, jika kamu benar-benar orang yang Muslim."(Qs.Yunus:84)

Di dalam Al-quran Nabi Sulaiman as juga seorang muslim.

أَلَّا تَعْلُوا۟ عَلَىَّ وَأْتُونِى مُسْلِمِينَ

"Bahwa janganlah kamu sekalian berlaku sombong terhadapku dan datanglah kepadaku sebagai orang-orang yang Muslim".(Qs.An-Naml:31)

Baiklah, di sini saya akan berikan bukti tertulis di dalam kitab Taurat bahwa Nabi Musa as adalah seorang yang berdien Islam, karena nama Yahudi sendiri baru muncul setelah runtuhnya kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman as yang diambil dari nama Yehuda anak Nabi Yakub as. Dan bagaimana mungkin Nabi Musa seorang Yahudi sedangkan beliau keturunan Lewi???

Perhatikan baik-baik perikop ini...

*LAI TB Bilangan
6:22 TUHAN berfirman kepada Musa:
6:23 "Berbicaralah kepada Harun dan anak-anaknya: Beginilah harus kamu memberkati orang Israel, katakanlah kepada mereka:
6:24 TUHAN memberkati engkau dan melindungi engkau;
6:25 TUHAN menyinari engkau dengan wajah-Nya dan memberi engkau kasih karunia;
6:26 TUHAN menghadapkan wajah-Nya kepadamu dan memberi engkau damai sejahtera.
יִשָּׂ א יְהוָ ה פָּנָיו אֵלֶ יךָ וְיָשֵׂ ם לְךָ שָׁ לֹֽום׃ ס
yiś·śā Yah·weh pā·nāw ’ê·le·ḵā, wə·yā·śêm lə·ḵā šā·lō·wm
Translit interlinear:yiś·śā{mengangkat} Yah·weh{TUHAN} pā·nāw{wajah-Nya} ’ê·le·ḵā{padamu}, wə·yā·śêm{dan mengatur} lə·ḵā{kamu} šā·lō·wm{Arab:Islam}
♣Terjemahan yang benar: TUHAN mengangkat wajah-Nya kepadamu dan mengatur kamu dengan Islam!
6:27 Demikianlah harus mereka meletakkan nama-Ku atas orang Israel, maka Aku akan memberkati mereka."

וְשָׂמ וּ אֶת־ שְׁמִ י עַל־ בְּנֵ י יִשְׂרָאֵ ל וַאֲנִ י אֲבָרֲכֵֽם׃ פ
wə·śā·mū ’eṯ- šə·mî ‘al- bə·nê yiś·rā·’êl; wa·’ă·nî ’ă·ḇā·ră·ḵêm. p̄
Translit interlinear: wə·śā·mū {Demikian namamu} ’eṯ-{-} šə·mî{namaku} ‘al-{atas} bə·nê{orang} yiś·rā·’êl{Israel};
wa·’ă·nî{dan Aku} ’ă·ḇā·ră·ḵêm{memberkati mereka}p̄
♣Terjemahan yang benar: Demikianlah namamu namaku atas orang Israil; dan Aku akan memberkati mereka.

Ternyata Syalowm (Arab:Islam) adalah nama syariat yang dibawa oleh nabi Musa as dan Tuhan ALLAH sendiri yang telah menamainya kepada nabi Musa as.

Dan bagaimanakah sejarahnya kenapa tiba-tiba muncul nama Yahudi??? sedangkan nabi Musa adalah keturunan Lewi???

Yesaya 48:1 Dengarlah firman ini, hai kaum keturunan Yakub, yang menyebutkan dirinya dengan nama Israel dan yang adalah keturunan Yehuda, yang bersumpah demi nama TUHAN dan mengakui Allah Israel, tetapi bukan dengan sungguh-sungguh dan dengan tulus hati.

Yesaya 48:22 "Tidak ada SYALOWM bagi orang-orang fasik!" firman TUHAN.


فَبِمَا نَقْضِهِم مِّيثَٰقَهُمْ لَعَنَّٰهُمْ وَجَعَلْنَا قُلُوبَهُمْ قَٰسِيَةًۭ ۖ يُحَرِّفُونَ ٱلْكَلِمَ عَن مَّوَاضِعِهِۦ ۙ وَنَسُوا۟ حَظًّۭا مِّمَّا ذُكِّرُوا۟ بِهِۦ

(Tetapi) karena mereka melanggar janjinya, Kami kutuki mereka, dan Kami jadikan hati mereka keras membatu. Mereka suka merobah perkataan (Allah) dari tempat-tempatnya [407], dan mereka (sengaja) melupakan sebagian dari apa yang mereka telah diperingatkan dengannya.(Qa.Al-maidah.13)

Nah, jadi sudah jelas bahwa kitab Taurat sendiri menyebutkan bahwa Nabi Musa as adalah seorang Islam bukan Yahudi karena nama Yahudi sendiri baru muncul setelah runtuhnya kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman as. Namun islam yang dibawa Nabi Musa telah lenyap pada saat itu dan pada saat itulah muncul seorang Nabi yang bernama Yisyeyahu yang menubuatkan kembali Ad-dien Islam (aturan yang selamat sejahtera) yang pintu gerbangnya bernama halelu (Arab:Ahmad,Mahmud,Muhammad)

Yesaya 60:17 Sebagai ganti tembaga Aku akan membawa emas, dan sebagai ganti besi Aku akan membawa perak, sebagai ganti kayu, tembaga, dan sebagai ganti batu, besi; Aku akan memberikan šā·lō·wm dan keadilan yang akan melindungi dan mengatur hidupmu.
תַּ֣חַת הַנְּחֹ֜שֶׁת אָבִ֣יא זָהָ֗ב וְתַ֤חַת הַבַּרְזֶל֙ אָ֣בִיא כֶ֔סֶף וְתַ֤חַת הָֽעֵצִים֙ נְחֹ֔שֶׁת וְתַ֥חַת הָאֲבָנִ֖ים בַּרְזֶ֑ל וְשַׂמְתִּ֤י פְקֻדָּתֵךְ֙ שָׁלֹ֔ום וְנֹגְשַׂ֖יִךְ צְדָקָֽה׃
ta·ḥaṯ han·nə·ḥō·šeṯ ’ā·ḇî zā·hāḇ, wə·ṯa·ḥaṯ hab·bar·zel ’ā·ḇî ḵe·sep̄, wə·ṯa·ḥaṯ hā·‘ê·ṣîm nə·ḥō·šeṯ, wə·ṯa·ḥaṯ hā·’ă·ḇā·nîm bar·zel; wə·śam·tî p̄ə·qud·dā·ṯêḵ šā·lō·wm{Arab:Islam}

perhatikan ayat di atas, sangat jelas Allah akan memberikan Islam/Syalowm yang akan mengatur hidup umat manusia dan ayat selanjutnya menjelaskan pintu gerbangnya yang bernama Halelu (Arab:hmd)

Yesaya 60:18 Tidak akan ada lagi kabar tentang perbuatan kekerasan di negerimu, tentang kebinasaan atau keruntuhan di daerahmu; engkau akan menyebutkan tembokmu "Selamat" dan PINTU-PINTU GERBANGMU "Pujian{Ahmad}".
לֹא־ יִשָּׁמַ֨ע עֹ֤וד חָמָס֙ בְּאַרְצֵ֔ךְ שֹׁ֥ד וָשֶׁ֖בֶר בִּגְבוּלָ֑יִךְ וְקָרָ֤את יְשׁוּעָה֙ חֹומֹתַ֔יִךְ וּשְׁעָרַ֖יִךְ תְּהִלָּֽה׃ לֹא־ יִֽהְיֶה־
lō- yiš·šā·ma‘ ‘ō·wḏ ḥā·mās bə·’ar·ṣêḵ, šōḏ wā·še·ḇer biḡ·ḇū·lā·yiḵ; wə·qā·rāṯ yə·šū·‘āh ḥō·w·mō·ṯa·yiḵ, ū·šə·‘ā·ra·yiḵ tə· hil·lāh{Arab:ح م د}. lō- yih·yeh-


padanan kata halelu adalah Ahmad,mahmud,muhammad

Tafsir Yesaya selengkapnya:

Nabi Yirmeyahu juga menguatkan nubuat di atas bahwa jika ada seorang Nabi yang benar-benar mendatangkan Islam, maka dapat dipastikan Nabi tersebut adalah benar-benar diutus oleh Tuhan.

Yeremia 28:9 "Tetapi mengenai seorang nabi yang bernubuat tentang šā·lō·wm{Arab:Islam}, jika nubuat nabi itu digenapi, maka barulah ketahuan, bahwa nabi itu benar-benar diutus oleh TUHAN."
הַנָּבִ֕יא אֲשֶׁ֥ר יִנָּבֵ֖א לְשָׁלֹ֑ום בְּבֹא֙ דְּבַ֣ר הַנָּבִ֗יא יִוָּדַע֙ הַנָּבִ֔יא אֲשֶׁר־ שְׁלָחֹ֥ו יְהוָ֖ה בֶּאֱמֶֽת׃
han·nā·ḇî ’ă·šer yin·nā·ḇê lə·šā·lō·wm{Arab:Islam}; bə·ḇō də·ḇar han·nā·ḇî, yiw·wā·ḏa‘ han·nā·ḇî, ’ă·šer- šə·lā·ḥōw Yah·weh be·’ĕ·meṯ.

Nah, sudah jelas bahwa semua Nabi itu beragama Islam??... sudahkah anda masuk Islam?? karena semua Nabi berdien Islam

Rasulullah Saw bersabda:
نحن معاشر الأنبياء إخوة لعلات ديننتا واحد

Artinya: "Kami semua para nabi bersaudara dan agama kami satu".
Dalam hadits yang lain (HR. Bukhari-Muslim) Rasulullah Saw mengumpamakan para Nabi dan Rasul, bahwa mereka itu satu bapak yang lahir dari Ibu yang berbeda-beda, artinya adalah bahwa mereka itu membawa satu ajaran agama, yaitu Tauhidullah atau mengesakan Allah, akan tetapi memiliki syari'at yang berbeda-beda seperti ibadah, perintah dan larangan, penghalalan dan pengharaman dan lain sebagainya.

Bahkan Yesus juga seorang muslim

LUKAS 6:40
ען תלמיד נאעלה על ראבו שכן כל אדם שיע מושלם ייהיה כערבו
“Ein talmeed na’leh ‘al rabbo; shekken kal adam she’MUSHLAM yihyeh k’rabbo.”
(Tak seorangpun bisa melebihi gurunya, tetapi setiap orang yang mengaku sebagai MUSLIM dapat menyamai gurunya)




Friday, December 28, 2012

Ardamax Keylogger v 3.0 Full Version + Serial

Ardamax Keylogger v 3.0 Full Version + Serial

Ardamax Keylogger is a keystroke recorder that captures user's activity and saves it to an encrypted log file. The log file can be viewed with the powerful Log Viewer. Use this tool to find out what is happening on your computer while you are away, maintain a backup of your typed data automatically or use it to monitor your kids.

Also you can use it as a monitoring device for detecting unauthorised access. Logs can be automatically sent to your e-mail address, access to the keylogger is password protected. Besides, Ardamax Keylogger logs information about the Internet addresses the user has visited. This invisible spy application is designed for 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7

 Instruction :
  1.  Disable your Anti Virus
  2. Run Setup akl.exe
  3. Enter serial number from serial.txt
  4. Enjoy
  5. for remove software Run akl remover.exe

This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System
Password =
Ardamax Keylogger v 3.0 Full Version + Serial

Auto Hide IP V5.2.5.2 Full Version + Crack

Auto Hide IP V5.2.5.2 Full Version + Crack

Auto Hide IP - Hide Your IP Address, Surf Anonymously, Protect Your Identity, Guard Against Hackers

Be careful! Have you ever been aware of your IP adress? Your IP exactly points to your location, with very high precision, right to the door of your apartment. Every time you visit a website, your IP address is completely exposed.

Auto Hide IP will help you conceal your real IP and protect your identity online. You need not worry about your privacy and security any more. Browse anonymously with one click from now on.

Key Features
  • Anonymous Web Surfing
  • Assign you fake IP addresses which will make hackers taken in, by this way, your IP could be disguised from online predators.
  • Protect Your Identity
  • Hide your real IP when surfing the web to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or stealing your personal information such as your financial information.
  • Choose IP Country
  • You decide to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and you can check the current IP directly.
  • Send Anonymous E-mails
  • Hide your real IP address in email headers. Be protected in email-sending from Yahoo!, Hotmail and GMail, etc.
  • Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Message Boards
  • Use Auto Hide IP to change your IP, then you can get access to any forums or restricted websites that have banned you.
Instruction :
  1. Run AutoHideIP-
  2. Put AutoHideIP.exe into C:programfile/autohide IP from cracked folder
  3. Enjoy
This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System
Password =
Auto Hide IP V5.2.5.2 Full Version + Crack

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Hiren’s BootCD V15.2 Latest Update

Hiren’s BootCD V15.2 Latest Update

Hiren boot cd is a very useful tool for a computer technician, because with this tool we can refine pc. the way to use it is bootable tool so we can not need to install first. 

Some advantages of Hiren's Boot Cd:
  • We can use Hiren Boot Cd via Bootable Cd
  • We can use Hiren Boot Cd via System Genuine Windows
  • We can use also without Cd, because we get when we download iso file that can later be used flash to use grub4dos Hirennya
  • recover data & partition
  • and cloning (which I often use)
  • Mini Xp (This is also the mainstay for data backup)
  • Fix Ntldr (we often encounter in windows xp it says ntldr is missing)
  • BootMgr (It happens in win7 if bootmgr missing)

New Added Softwares, Updated Functions:

  • BattStat 0.99b: Battery Status monitor and power management freeware for Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 x86/x64.
  • BrowsingHistoryView 1.05: To view history data of Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari Web browsers in one table.
  • ClearLock 1.4.0: To lock your desktop with a transparent layer, allowing you to see what is happening on your desktop and at the same time prevent access to the computer without the proper password.
  • DRevitalize 1.2: Repairs bad sectors (physical defects) on hard drives by generating a special sequence of high and low signals around the physically damaged area.
  • EncFS 1.7.4: This should be used for secure online file backup services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and Sugarsync as the encryption do not occupy a fixed size containers and backup programs can copy encrypted files and can be accessed from linux, iPhone/iOS and android using BoxCryptor and Cryptonite.
  • ImDisk 1.6.0: To create/mount virtual hard disk, floppy or CD/DVD drives using image files or system memory.
  • MBRCheck 1.2.3: Checks the legitimacy of the Master Boot Record (MBR) code of the hard drives.
  • McAfee Removal Tool McAfee Consumer Product Removal Tool removes all 2005 - 2012 versions of McAfee products.
  • MiniXP: Added/updated Storage/LAN/WLAN drivers and other minor improvements, iso boot works, path can be changed in HBCD\XP\X using notepad.
  • Norton Removal Tool SymNRT uninstalls most Norton AntiVirus, Norton Internet Security, Norton 360, and Norton SystemWorks even when the uninstaller fails to remove them.
  • Remove Non Present Drivers: Automatically remove all non-present/disconnected devices from a Windows and can often be useful to prevent misbehaving/unnecessary drivers from being loaded, cleanup drivers when you replaced motherboard or used backup image of different hardware.
  • Tor Browser 2.2.39: Surf the internet anonymously through encryption, even https sites can be browsed safely where it is blocked by your local ISP.
  • WifiInfoView 1.05: Wireless networks information including Network Name (SSID), MAC Address, PHY Type (802.11g or 802.11n), RSSI, Signal Quality, Frequency, Channel Number, Maximum Speed, Company Name, Router Name/Model and more.
  • Windows Product Key Update Tool 1.7: This tool is from microsoft to change the key of illegal/pirated installed xp to legit xp keys from the sticker on the PC, even if it is oem and not retail/corporate.
Updated Softwares:

3DP Chip 12.09, All Users Temp Cleaner 1.2, AlternateStreamView 1.32, Astra 6.01, Autoruns 11.34, Avira AntiVir Personal (18-10-2012), BellaVista, BIOS Master Password Generator (Sony), BlueScreenView 1.46, BootICE 2012.09.20, BulletsPassView 1.25, CCleaner 3.23.1823, ClamWin Free Antivirus 0.97.6, CloneSpy 2.63, ComboFix (18-10-2012), Complete Internet Repair, CPU-Z 1.61, CurrPorts 2.02, Defraggler 2.11.560, Device Doctor 2.1, Don't Sleep 2.82, Drive SnapShot 1.40, DriveImage XML 2.42, FastCopy 2.11, FileTypesMan 1.62, GParted Partition Editor 0.14.0, GPU-Z 0.6.5, grub4dos 2012-10-02, HashMyFiles 1.90, HDAT2 4.9B1, Image For Dos 2.75, Image For Windows 2.75, ImgBurn, InfraRecorder 0.53, IrfanView 4.33, IsoBuster 3.0, isolinux 4.05, LicenseCrawler 1.11.239, Mail PassView 1.78, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 1.65 (18-10-2012), MemDisk 4.05, Notepad++ 6.2, NTFS Access 2.2, NTFSLinksView 1.07, Opera 12.02, Parted Magic 2012-10-10, Partition Saving 4.00, Partition Wizard Home Edition 7.6.1, PC Wizard 2012.2.11, PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (18-10-2012), PCI and AGP info Tool (18-10-2012), PhotoFiltre 6.5.3, PhotoRec 6.14b, PLoP Boot Manager 5.0.14, Process Explorer 15.23, Process Monitor 3.03, ProcessActivityView 1.12, ProduKey 1.54, PuTTY 0.62-t012, Recuva 1.43.623, RegFromApp 1.23, RegScanner 1.90, Remove Fake Antivirus 1.88, Revo Uninstaller 1.94, RKill (18-10-2012), RunAsDate 1.11, SearchMyFiles 2.30, ServiWin 1.50, ShellExView 1.76, Silent Runners Revision 64, SIW 2011.10.29, SmartSniff 1.95, SniffPass 1.13, SoftPerfect Network Scanner 5.4.7, Speccy 1.18.379, Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (18-10-2012), SuperAntispyware is now downloadable only, System Analyser 5.3x, System Explorer 3.9.7, TDSSKiller 2.8.13, TeamViewer 7.0.14563 + 6.0.10462, TestDisk 6.14b, TightVNC 2.5.2, Total Commander 8.01, TrID File Identifier 2.10, TrueCrypt 7.1a, UnknownDevices 1.4.20 (18-10-2012), Update Checker 1.039, USBDeview 2.16, WebBrowserPassView 1.30, WinNTSetup, WinSCP 4.3.9, WirelessKeyView 1.56, WirelessNetView 1.41, XP-AntiSpy 3.98

Instruction :
  1.  Extract Hirens Boot.ISO with Winrar
  2. burn it to CD or DVD with Ultra ISO
  3. Make bootable usb with Ultra ISO
  4. You must set up bios for first Boot from CD or USB
  5. Press any key to boot from CD 
  6. choose any Tools you want to open
This is ISO file you must Install  Ultra ISO in your System 

Size : 592,50 MB

EA Sport FIFA Football 2003 PC game Full Version

EA Sport FIFA Football 2003 PC game Full Version

FIFA 2003 Soccer: It isn't quite perfect, but the latest FIFA game is a refreshing and compelling step ahead in a series that's known for its quality.

As we've seen both in 1998 and this year, EA Sports generally tries to take full advantage of the World Cup, and how much interest it generates in the sport of soccer, by releasing not one, but two soccer games in a year. And now, just five months after 2002 FIFA World Cup comes FIFA Soccer 2003.

The latest edition of this decade-old franchise is perhaps the most intriguing in some time, highlighting the tactical battles of the real-life sport and at least partially abstaining from the slam-bang superhuman action of past versions. Make no mistake, the pace can still be inordinately fast unless you choose to slow it down, but this may well be the FIFA that hard-core fans have been waiting for. After each goal, FIFA 2003 superimposes the team logos and current score onto the pitch.

Trailer :

instruction :
  1. Run FiFA2003.exe
  2. Install in any Folder
  3. Enjoy ! 
System Requirements :
Processor= 733MHz
RAM= 128MB Graphics= 32MB
This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System
Password =
Part 1 
EA Sport FIFA Football 2003 PC game Full Version
Part 2 
EA Sport FIFA Football 2003 PC game Full Version

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Pc Games Full Version

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Pc Games Full Version

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry, Ron, and Hermione are back in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a game based on J.K. Rowling's fourth book.
As Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger enter their fourth year at Hogwarts School of Wizardry and Witchcraft, new challenges await them, both "professional" and personal. The Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire video game sticks strictly to the adventure aspects of the story, never touching upon the sticky relationship drama that makes up key subplots in the novel and the film.

You'll still have plenty to do in the game, though: Guide the trio of young wizards through various locales, fight magical creatures, solve puzzles, and usher Harry through the Triwizard Tournament challenges just before a climactic showdown with Lord Voldemort himself. Though the collection aspects of the game are a drag at times, The Goblet of Fire still does enough to keep Potter fans engaged throughout. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are back in the newest Harry Potter video game.

Instuction :
  1. Run HP-GOF.exe 
  2. install to any folder in your System PC
  3. Run main aplication to start play\
  4. enjoy
 Trailer :
System requirements :
  • Processor= 1.4GHz
  • RAM= 256MB
  • Graphics= 32MB
This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System
Password =
Part 1 
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Pc Games Full Version
Part 2 

Childsafe Keylogger full version

Childsafe Keylogger full version serial keygen

Child Safe is a full-featured keyloger. Child Safe will record user activities ranging from pounding the keyboard, window screen shoot activity to user activity. The results can also be set to record automatically sent to your email. Currently Safe Child no longer available on the official website since it changed to "Webroot (R) Parental Controls" which is a paid software.

 Now, I will share a good spyware, the spyware is KeyLogger ChildSafe. This spyware almost like Actual Spy (I was shared it before). KeyLogger ChildSafe use to read password, that other people was wrote on your PC. This spyware usually use to hack other people identity, like Facebook identitiy, Twitter, Friendster or E-Mail identity, and identity from other websites.

     We can set a password in this spyware, so just the owner can active this KeyLogger ChildSafe. And beside that, this spyware can hide automatically after we start it, so other people will don't know if we are spy them now.

Instruction :
  1. Install childsafe.exe
  2. input your password
  3. Do setting by your self
  4. click start logging start record all activities keyboard and run behind
  5. Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Y. this is default key setting to Open the software

This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System
Password =
Childsafe Keylogger full version

"Lowker PT.BAHAR AKBAR 2012"


PT. Bahar Akbar  adalah Sebuah 
Perusahaan Yang sedang berkembang bergerak dalam Bidang General  Contractor supplier and Rental Di Kaltim- 5 Pupuk Kaltim Saat ini Sedang Membutuhkan Document Control Assistant ( 1 Orang ) Dan Administrasi / Sekretaris ( 1 Orang )...!!!!!!!



     Persyaratan Umum :
  •      Pria , Pendidikan Minimal SMK
  •      Usia Maks.32 Tahun , Diutamakan belum berkeluarga
  •      Mampu berbahasa Inggris ( Lisan & Tulisan )
  •      Mampu Mengoperasikan Komputer ( MS.Office)
  •      Jujur , Teliti, Disiplin, Bertanggung Jawab, Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan pekerjaan (work pressure )
  •      Memiliki Motivasi kerja dan Berkemauan keras untuk maju 
  •      Dapat Menjaga kerahasiaan Dokumen Perusahaan
  •      Lulus Interview Dan tes Oleh User 

     Persyaratan Umum :
  •     Wanita, Pendidikan Minimal SMK
  •      Usia maks. 23 Tahun , Diutamakan belum berkeluarga  
  •      Mampu berbahasa Inggris ( Lisan & Tulisan )
  •      Mampu Mengoperasikan Komputer ( MS.Office)
  •      Jujur , Teliti, Disiplin, Bertanggung Jawab, Mampu bekerja dalam rutinitas pekerjaan (work pressure )
  •      Memahami Tugas-tugas Kesekretariatan & Administrasi
  •      Memiliki Motivasi Kerja dan Berkemauan keras Untuk maju
  •      Dapat menjaga Kerahasiaan perusahaan  
Ket: Surat lamaran lengkap dengan ketentuan sbb :
  1.       Surat lamaran kerja
  2.       Daftar Riwayat Hidup ( CV )
  3.       Fotocopy KTP Bontang
  4.       Fotocopy Kartu kuning yang masih berlaku sebanyak 3 lembar
  5.       Fotocopy Ijazah Terakhir
  6.       Fotocopy Surat pengalaman kerja ( bila ada )
  7.       Kelengkapan surat" yang lain ( bila ada )  
Batas Penerimaan berkas lamaran s/d Tanggal 28 Desember 2012 

Penerimaan berkas lamaran melalui Dinas Sosial Dan Tenaga Kerja
Jl.Awang Long No.01 Bontang - Kalimantan Timur


Hiren's Boot CD 9.8 ISO File

Hiren's Boot CD 9.8 ISO File full version

Hirens Boot CD is Many Tools program for service any broken from operating system. especially program window. this CD is very important for who every days word or hobby in Computer learning.

CD Contents

Antivirus Tools

  • Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 (0903): find and remove spyware, adware, dialers etc. (a must have tool).
  • ClamWin Antivirus 0.94.1 (0903): a free antivirus, GNU GPL Open Source Virus Scanner.
  • ComboFix (0903): Designed to cleanup malware infections and restore settings modified by malware.
  • CWShredder 2.19: Popular CoolWebSearch Trojan Remover tool.
  • RootkitRevealer 1.7.1: Rootkit Revealer is an advanced patent-pending root kit detection utility.
  • SmitFraudFix 2.400: This removes Some of the popular Desktop Hijack malware.
  • Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2 (0903): Application to scan for spyware, adware, hijackers and other malicious software.
  • SpywareBlaster 4.1 (0903): Prevent the installation of spyware and other potentially unwanted software.

Backup Tools

  • Acronis True Image 8.1.945: Create an exact disk image for complete system backup and disk cloning.
  • COPYR.DMA Build013: A Tool for making copies of hard disks with bad sectors.
  • Double Driver 1.0: Driver Backup and Restore tool.
  • Drive SnapShot 1.39: creates an exact Disk Image of your system into a file while windows is running.
  • DriveImage Explorer 5.0: to add/remove/extract files from Drive image file.
  • DriveImageXML 2.02: backup any drive/partition to an image file, even if the drive is currently in use.
  • DriverBackup! 1.0.3: Another handy tool to backup drivers.
  • Express Burn 4.25: CD/DVD Burner Program to create and record CDs/DVDs, also create/burn .iso and .nrg images.
  • Ghost Image Explorer 11.5: to add/remove/extract files from Ghost image file.
  • ImageCenter 5.6 (Drive Image 2002): Best software to clone hard drive.
  • Norton Ghost 11.5: Similar to Drive Image (with usb/scsi support)
  • Partition Saving 3.71: A tool to backup/restore partitions. (SavePart.exe).
  • Smart Driver Backup 2.12: Easy backup of your Windows device drivers (also works from PE).
  • WhitSoft File Splitter 4.5a: a Small File Split-Join Tool.


  • !BIOS 3.20: a powerfull utility for bios and cmos.
  • Award DMI Configuration Utility 2.43: DMI Configuration utility for modifying/viewing the MIDF contents.
  • BIOS Cracker 1.4: BIOS password remover (cmospwc).
  • BIOS Cracker 4.8: BIOS password remover (cmospwd).
  • BIOS Utility 1.35.0: BIOS Informations, password, beep codes and more.
  • CMOS 0.93: CMOS Save / Restore Tool.
  • DISKMAN4: a powerful all in one utility.
  • Kill CMOS: a tiny utility to wipe cmos.
  • UniFlash 1.40: bios flash utility.

Browsers / File Managers

  • 7-Zip 4.65: File Manager/Archiver Supports 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, RAR, CAB, ISO, ARJ, LZH, CHM, MSI, WIM, Z, CPIO, RPM, DEB and NSIS formats.
  • Dos Command Center 5.1: Classic dos-based file manager.
  • Dos Navigator 6.4.0: Dos File Manager, Norton Commander clone but has much more features.
  • FastLynx 2.0: Dos file manager with Pc to Pc file transfer capability.
  • File Maven 3.5: an advanced Dos file manager with high speed PC-to-PC file transfers via serial or parallel cable.
  • File Wizard 1.35: a file manager - colored files, drag and drop copy, move, delete etc.
  • LapLink 5.0: the smart way to transfer files and directories between PCs.
  • Mini Windows 98: Can run from Ram Drive, with ntfs support, Added 7-Zip, Disk Defragmenter, Notepad / RichText Editor, Image Viewer, .avi .mpg .divx .xvid Movie Player, etc...
  • Off By One Browser 3.5d: an independent web browser that runs completely self-contained.
  • Volkov Commander 4.99 Dos File Manager with LongFileName/ntfs support (Similar to Norton Commander).


  • CCleaner 2.17.853: Crap Cleaner is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool.
  • SpaceMonger 1.4: keeping track of the free space on your computer.
  • WinDirStat a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows.

Collection of Dos Utilities

extract.exe, pkzip.exe, pkunzip.exe, unrar.exe, rar.exe, ace.exe, lha.exe, gzip.exe, uharcd.exe,,, deltree.exe, xcopy.exe,, imgExtrc.exe,,, fdisk.exe, fdisk2.exe, fdisk3.exe, lf.exe, delpart.exe,,,, move.exe,, find.exe, hex.exe, debug.exe, split.exe, mem.exe,,, smartdrv.exe, xmsdsk.exe, killer.exe, share.exe, scandisk.exe, scanreg.exe, guest.exe, doskey.exe, duse.exe, biosdtct.exe, setver.exe, intersvr.exe, interlnk.exe, loadlin.exe, lfndos.exe,

Dos Tools

  • 1394 Firewire Support: 1394 Firewire Drivers for Dos.
  • ASUSTeK USB Driver 3: ASUS USB CD-ROM Device Driver Version 1.00.
  • Interlnk support at COM1: To access another computer from COM port.
  • Interlnk support at LPT1: To access another computer from LPT port.
  • SATA Support: SATA Driver (gcdrom.sys) and JMicron JMB361 (xcdrom.sys) for Dos.
  • SCSI Support: SCSI Drivers for Dos.
  • Universal USB Driver 2: Panasonic v2.20 ASPI Manager for USB mass storage.
  • USB CD-Rom Driver 1: Standard usb_cd.sys driver for cd drive.

Hard Disk Tools

  • Active Kill Disk 4.1: Securely overwrites and destroys all data on physical drive.
  • Data Shredder 1.0: A tool to Erase disk and files (also wipe free space) securely.
  • ExcelStor's ESTest 4.50
  • Fujitsu HDD Diagnostic Tool 7.00
  • Fujitsu IDE Low Level Format 1.0
  • Gateway GwScan 5.12
  • Hard Disk Sentinel 0.04: Hard Disk health, performance and temperature monitoring tool.
  • HDAT2 4.53: main function is testing and repair (regenerates) bad sectors for detected devices.
  • HDD Erase 4.0: Secure erase using a special feature built into most newer hard drives.
  • HDD Regenerator 1.51: to recover a bad hard drive.
  • HDD Scan 3.1: This is a Low-level HDD diagnostic tool, it scans surface find bad sectors etc.
  • HDTune 2.55: Hard disk benchmarking and information tool.
  • IBM/Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.14
  • IBM/Hitachi Feature Tool 2.11
  • Maxtor amset utility 4.0
  • Maxtor PowerMax 4.23
  • Maxtor(or any Hdd) Low Level Formatter 1.1
  • MHDD 4.6
  • Norton Disk Doctor 2002: a tool to repair a damaged disk, or to diagnose your hard drive.
  • Norton Disk Editor 2002: a powerful disk editing, manual data recovery tool.
  • Ontrack Disk Manager 9.57: Disk Test/Format/Maintenance tool.
  • Samsung Disk Diagnose (SHDIAG) 1.28
  • Samsung HDD Utility(HUTIL) 2.10
  • Samsung The Drive Diagnostic Utility (ESTOOL) 2.11
  • Seagate Seatools Graphical v2.13b
  • SeaTools for Dos 1.10
  • SmartUDM 2.00: Hard Disk Drive S.M.A.R.T. Viewer.
  • Toshiba Hard Disk Diagnostic 2.00b
  • Victoria 3.33e and 3.52rus: a freeware program for low-level HDD diagnostics.
  • WDClear 1.30
  • Western Digital Data Lifeguard Tools 11.2
  • Western Digital Diagnostics (DLGDIAG) 5.04f

MBR (Master Boot Record) Tools

  • Boot Partition 2.60: add Partition in the Windows NT/2000/XP Multi-boot loader.
  • BootFix Utility: Run this utility if you get 'Invalid system disk'.
  • Bootmagic 8.0: This tool is for multi boot operating systems.
  • DiskMan4: all in one tool for cmos, bios, bootrecord and more.
  • MBR SAVE / RESTORE 2.1: BootSave and BootRest tools to save / restore MBR.
  • MBR Tool 2.2.100: backup, verify, restore, edit, refresh, remove, display, re-write.
  • MBRWizard 2.0b: Directly update and modify the MBR (Master Boot Record).
  • MBRWork 1.07b: a utility to perform some common and uncommon MBR functions.
  • Partition Table Doctor 3.5: a tool to repair/modify mbr, bootsector, partition table.
  • Smart Boot Manager 3.7.1: a multi boot manager.

MultiMedia Tools

  • MpxPlay 1.56: a small Music Player for dos.
  • Picture Viewer 1.94: Picture viewer for dos, supports more then 40 filetypes.
  • QuickView Pro 2.58: movie viewer for dos, supports many format including divx.

NTFS (FileSystems) Tools

  • EditBINI 1.01: to Edit boot.ini on NTFS Partition.
  • NTFS 4 Dos 1.9: To access ntfs partitions from Dos.
  • NTFS Dos 3.02: To access ntfs partitions from Dos.
  • NTFS Dos Pro 5.0: To access ntfs partitions from Dos.
  • Paragon Mount Everything 3.0: To access NTFS, Ext2FS, Ext3FS partitions from dos.


  • DefragNT 1.9: This tool presents the user with many options for disk defragmenting.
  • JkDefrag 3.36: Free disk defragment and optimize utility for Windows 2000/2003/XP/Vista.
  • NT Registry Optimizer 1.1j: Registry Optimization for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP/Vista.
  • PageDfrg 2.32: System file Defragmenter For NT/2k/XP.

Other Tools

  • DosCDroast beta 2: Dos CD Burning Tools.
  • Ghost Walker 11.5: utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP.
  • NewSID 4.10: utility that changes the security ID (SID) for Windows NT, 2000 and XP.
  • Registry Editor PE 0.9c: Easy editing of remote registry hives and user profiles.
  • Universal TCP/IP Network 6.4: MSDOS Network Client to connect via TCP/IP to a Microsoft based network. The network can either be a peer-to-peer or a server based network, it contains 91 different network card drivers.

Password Tools

  • Active Password Changer 3.0.420: To Reset User Password on windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista (FAT/NTFS).
  • ATAPWD 1.2: Hard Disk Password Utility.
  • Content Advisor Password Remover 1.0: It Removes Content Advisor Password from Internet Explorer.
  • NTPWD: utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.
  • Offline NT/2K/XP Password Changer: utility to reset windows nt/2000/xp administrator/user password.
  • Password Renew 1.1: Utility to (re)set windows passwords.
  • ProduKey 1.35: Recovers lost the product key of your Windows/Office.
  • Registry Reanimator 1.02: Check and Restore structure of the Damaged Registry files of NT/2K/XP.
  • Registry Viewer 4.2: Registry Viewer/Editor for Win9x/Me/NT/2K/XP.
  • WindowsGate 1.1: Enables/Disables Windows logon password validation.
  • WinKeyFinder 1.73: Allows you to View and Change Windows XP/2003 Product Keys, backup and restore activation related files, backup Microsoft Office 97, 2000 SP2, XP/2003 keys etc.
  • Wireless Key View 1.20: Recovers all wireless network keys (WEP/WPA) stored in your computer by WZC.
  • XP Key Reader 2.7: Can decode the XP-key on Local or Remote systems.

Partition Tools

  • Acronis Disk Director 10.0.2160: Popular disk management functions in a single suite.
  • eXtended Fdisk 0.9.3: XFDISK allows easy partition creation and edition.
  • GDisk 1.1.1: Complete replacement for the DOS FDISK utility and more.
  • Paragon Partition Manager 7.0.1274: Universal tool for partitions.
  • Partition Commander 9.01: The safe way to partition your hard drive,with undo feature.
  • Partition Magic Pro 8.05: Best software to partition hard drive.
  • Partition Table Editor 8.0: Partition Table and Boot Record Editor.
  • Ranish Partition Manager 2.44: a boot manager and hard disk partitioner.
  • Smart Fdisk 2.05: a simple harddisk partition manager.
  • SPecial Fdisk 2000.03t: SPFDISK a partition tool.
  • Super Fdisk 1.0: Create, delete, format partitions drives without destroying data.
  • The Partition Resizer 1.3.4: move and resize your partitions in one step and more.

Process Tools

  • CurrPorts 1.60: displays the list of all currently opened TCP and UDP ports on your computer.
  • IB Process Manager 1.04: a little process manager for 9x/2k, shows dll info etc.
  • Pocket KillBox can be used to get rid of files that stubbornly refuse to allow you to delete them.
  • Process Explorer 11.33: shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
  • Unlocker 1.8.7: This tool can delete file/folder when you get this message - Cannot delete file: Access is denied, The file is in use by another program etc.

RAM (Memory) Testing Tools

  • GoldMemory 5.07: RAM Test utility.
  • MemTest 1.0: a Memory Testing Tool.
  • Memtest86+ 2.11: PC Memory Test.

Recovery Tools

  • Active Partition Recovery 3.0: To Recover a Deleted partition.
  • Active Undelete 5.5: a tool to recover deleted files.
  • Active Uneraser 3.0: To recover deleted files and folders on FAT and NTFS systems.
  • DiyDataRecovery Diskpatch 2.1.100: An excellent data recovery software.
  • GetDataBack for FAT 2.31: Data recovery software for FAT file systems.
  • GetDataBack for NTFS 2.31: Data recovery software for NTFS file systems.
  • Lost & Found 1.06: a good old data recovery software.
  • Ontrack Easy Recovery Pro 6.10: To Recover data that has been deleted/virus attack.
  • Partition Find and Mount 2.3.1: Partition Find and Mount software is designed to find lost or deleted partitions.
  • PhotoRec 6.10: File and pictures recovery Tool.
  • Prosoft Media Tools 5.0 v1.1.2.64: Another excellent data recovery software with many other options.
  • Recuva 1.24.399: Restore deleted files from Hard Drive, Digital Camera Memory Card, usb mp3 player...
  • Restoration 3.2.13: a tool to recover deleted files.
  • TestDisk 6.10: Tool to check and undelete partition.
  • Unstoppable Copier 4b: Allows you to copy files from disks with problems such as bad sectors, scratches or that just give errors when reading data.
  • Winsock 2 Fix for 9x: to fix corrupted Winsock2 information by poorly written Internet programs.
  • Winternals Disk Commander 1.1: more than just a standard deleted-file recovery utility.
  • XP TCP/IP Repair 1.0: Repair your Windows XP Winsock and TCP/IP registry errors.

Startup Tools

  • Autoruns 9.39: Displays All the entries from startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys, Explorer shell extensions,toolbars, browser helper objects, Winlogon notifications, auto-start services, Scheduled Tasks, Winsock, LSA Providers, Remove Drivers and much more which helps to remove nasty spyware/adware and viruses.
  • HijackThis 2.0.2: a general homepage hijackers detector and remover and more.
  • Silent Runners Revision 59: A free script that helps detect spyware, malware and adware in the startup process.
  • Startup Control Panel 2.8: a tool to edit startup programs.
  • Startup Monitor 1.02: it notifies you when any program registers itself to run at system startup.

System Information Tools

  • Aida16 2.14: a system information tool, extracts details of all components of the PC.
  • Astra 5.41: Advanced System info Tool and Reporting Assistant.
  • CPU Identification utility 1.16: Detailed information on CPU (CHKCPU.EXE).
  • CPU-Z 1.50: It gathers information on some of the main devices of your system.
  • CTIA CPU Information 2.7: another CPU information tool.
  • Drive Temperature 1.0: Hard Disk Drive temperature meter.
  • HWiNFO 5.2.5: a powerful system information utility.
  • Navratil Software System Information 0.60.32: High-end professional system information tool.
  • PC Wizard 2008.1.871: Powerful system information/benchmark utility designed especially for detection of hardware.
  • PC-Config 9.33: Complete hardware detection of your computer.
  • PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (0903): device information tool (similar to unknown devices).
  • PCI and AGP info Tool (0903): The PCI System information & Exploration tool.
  • SIW 2009-02-24: Gathers detailed information about your system properties and settings.
  • SysChk 2.46: Find out exactly what is under the hood of your PC.
  • System Analyser 5.3u: View extensive information about your hardware.
  • Unknown Devices 1.2 (0903): helps you find what those unknown devices in Device Manager really are.

Testing Tools

  • CPU/Video/Disk Performance Test 5.7: a tool to test cpu, video, and disk.
  • Disk Speed1.0: Hard Disk Drive Speed Testing Tool.
  • Monitor Tester 1.0: Allows you to test CRT/LCD/TFT screens for dead pixels and diffective screens.
  • Ontrack Data Advisor 5.0: Powerful diagnostic tool for assessing the condition of your computer.
  • PC Doctor 2004: a benchmarking and information tool.
  • PC-Check 6.5: Easy to use hardware tests.
  • S&M Stress Test 1.9.1: cpu/hdd/memory benchmarking and information tool, including temperatures/fan speeds/voltages.
  • System Speed Test 4.78: it tests CPU, harddrive, etc.
  • Test Hard Disk Drive 1.0: a tool to test Hard Disk Drive.
  • The Troubleshooter 7.02: all kind of hardware testing tool.


  • Dial a Fix Fix errors and problems with COM/ActiveX object errors and missing registry entries, Automatic Updates, SSL, HTTPS, and Cryptography service (signing/verification) issues, Reinstall internet explorer etc. comes with the policy scanner.
  • EzPcFix Helpful tool when trying to remove viruses, spyware, and malware.
  • Shell Extensions Manager (ShellExView) 1.36: An excellent tool to View and Manage all installed Context-menu/Shell extensions.
  • TweakUI 2.10: This PowerToy gives you access to system settings that are not exposed in the Windows Xp.
  • Ultimate Windows Tweaker 1.0: A TweakUI Utility for tweaking and optimizing Windows Vista.
  • Xp-AntiSpy 3.97.2: it tweaks some Windows XP functions, and disables some unneeded Windows services quickly.
  •  You can burn it to CD or DVD, and also make bootable usb
  • you Must Install Ultra ISO to make Bootble USB or Burn tool like Nero

Hiren's Boot CD 9.8 ISO File

Nokia PC Suite Cleaner 7.1.1

Nokia PC Suite Cleaner 7.1.1

Nokia phone owners often use Nokia PC Suite to perform transfers between the computer and their mobile phone, edit files, as well as perform backup and synchronization jobs. However, these tasks can leave traces in your computer, even if you uninstall the suite.

This is where Nokia PC Suite Cleaner comes in. As its name suggests, the application is designed to help you solve any issues that may occur during Nokia PC Suite's uninstall process, as well as remove any files and registry entries left on your computer.

As the application is designed to clean up any remains, it is advisable to run a standard uninstallation before using it, as well as backup any important data that you still need (for instance, phone firmware or backups).

The program provides you with an easy to use wizard-like interface, so it is a matter of pressing a few 'Next' buttons before cleaning your computer. It can remove current installations of the Nokia PC Suite and additional applications, old, unnecessary or corrupted leftover files and registry data that Nokia PC Suite created.

When you are ready to start cleaning your PC just press the 'Start' button. The program automatically starts searching your system for Nokia PC Suite-related files and removes them in an instant.

You can view all the found items and a list of all the performed actions after the cleanup is complete. Furthermore, a complete report is automatically generated, containing detailed information about your system (operating system, logged in user, the home directory, the temporary folder etc.), the found Nokia products installed and a list of the cleanable items. You can save this log file to your computer for later reference.

After cleanup, you can reinstall a brand new copy of Nokia PC Suite on your computer, without worrying that the old files might interfere with its functionality.

Nokia PC Suite Cleaner is a handy tool similar to antivirus uninstallers that developers provide. It can remove any leftover entries after uninstalling Nokia PC Suite easily and fast, thus preventing you from doing it manually.

Instruction :

  1. Run Nokia PC Suite Cleaner 
  2. click Next until finish
  3. Your system is Clean from traces of Nokia PC suite
  4.  Enjoy ! you can install other version of Nokia PC suite
This is Rar File You Must Install Winrar in Your System

Password =
Nokia PC Suite Cleaner 7.1.1

Mediafour MacDrive 8 pro Full Version + keygen

Mediafour MacDrive 8 pro Full Version + keygen

MacDrive gives you hassle-free, seamless access to Mac files on Mac disks directly from Windows. You can open, edit and save files on Mac disks, as well as create new disks and repair damaged ones. MacDrive is like having a Mac interpreter in your PC.

Added: Ability to deactivate MacDrive’s license so that MacDrive can be activated on another computer.
Improved: “Access denied” error when attempting to repair Mac partitions in 64-bit Windows.
Improved: Added “Change MacDrive Options” to the Start menu.
Improved: False report of “invalid license” when booting some 64-bit systems.

Instruction :
  1. Run macdrive_8.0.6.52_en_setup.exe
  2. To Install Mediafour MacDrive v8.0.6.52
  3. follow The Onscreen Instructions By The Installer
  4. When Finish Installing, Click Finish To Exit The Setup,
  5. When Ask To Restart Your pc Select [ No ] Now Start MacDrive v8
  6. And Select [ Activate MacDrive ], And Select
  7. [ I Have A Serial Number And I,m Ready To Activate ] And Click [ Next ]
  8. Extract The [ Keygen ] And Run It On The Keygen Select [ MacDrive v8 ]
  9. In The Dropdown Section, Now On The Keygen Select [ Generate ] And Copy & Paste
  10. The Generated Serial Where Stated And Select [ Show Other Activation Options ]
  11. And Click [ Next ] Select [ I Dont Have Any Internet Access ] And Click [ Next ]
  12. Copy Your [ Computer ID: ] From The Program In The Keygen And Select [ Activate ]
  13. Copy Your Generated [ Activation Code ] From The Keygen Into The Program And Click [ Next ]
  14. You Should See [ MacDrive 8 Has Been Succesfuly activated ] Click Finish To Exit Activation.
  15. Done Enjoy !!! .
This  Rar File you Must Install WinRar in your System

Password =
Mediafour MacDrive 8 pro Full Version + keygen

18 Wheel of Steel Extreme Trucker 2 Pc Games Full Version

18 Wheel of Steel Extreme Trucker 2 Pc Games Full Version

Hazards are everywhere! Test your driving skills to the extreme across five hire-raising locations including treacherous mountain forests, steep mountains, frozen ice roads, vast scorching desert, and thin rainforest roads. Battle through: Montana, Bolivia, Northern Territories, Australia, Bangladesh.
Extreme Loads - Transport loads that would scare even the most fearless drivers - maximum loads, oversized loads, high risk cargo and more.

Jump behind the wheel of 18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker 2! Throw your weight around - drive over 35 different rigs and deliver over 70 types of loads.
Your Life is on the Line - Drive terrains that don't forgive your mistakes - do the job well or you might die trying. Achieve the unachievable by delivering your loads on time. These beasts don't drive themselves - From subtropical to subzero environments, manage your fuel and maintain your truck in peak condition. Try the latest installment in the reputable 18 Wheels of Steel series and experience even more challenges in the life of an Extreme Trucker all around the world.

Trailer :


 This Is torrent File you must Install utorrentinto your system
 Instruction :
  1. Download And Install UltraISO
  2. Open 18 Wheel of Steel.bin with UltraISO
  3. you can extract the file or install the Main program
  4. Enjoy the game

18 Wheel of Steel Extreme Trucker 2 Pc Games Full Version

Connectify 3.4 Hot Spot Pro Full version + keygen

Connectify 3.4 Hot Spot Pro Full version + keygen

Connectify Hotspot is easy-to-use Internet connection sharing software for your PC. With Connectify Hotspot, you can wirelessly share any Internet connection: a cable modem, a cellular card, or even another Wi-Fi network. Other Wi-Fi-enabled devices can see and join your hotspot just like any other Wi-Fi access point and are kept safe and secure by password-protected WPA2 Encryption. Use Connectify Hotspot on the road for 3G or 4G Internet connection sharing, or as a repeater to boost Wi-Fi at home. The possibilities are endless.

 Feature Of Connectify 3.4 Pro
  • Share Wi-Fi from 3G/4G Networks – Connectify Hotspot PRO now supports sharing Internet from 3G/4G cards in addition to a wide variety of other USB cards and dongles
  • Drag & Drop File Transfers – Easily share files of any size, directly to both devices connected to your hotspot, and to other Connectify Hotspot users on the same network.
  • AutoInternet Selection – When set to “Automatic,” Connectify Hotspot PRO intelligently chooses which Internet connection to share and makes necessary configuration changes to your hotspot
  • Fully Customizable SSID – Name your hotspot whatever you want! Connectify Hotspot Lite requires your hotspot name to start with “Connectify-”
  • Support for Windows 8, 7, XP, and Vista – XP and Vista Ad-Hoc Mode only

Instruction :
  1. Download and Install conectify installer
  2. Run keygen.exe 
  3. Run Connectify and then show notification about enter license key to be Pro version
  4. Copy email and license key from keygen.
  5. Enjoy.
This is rar file you must install WinRar in your System

Password =
Connectify Installer.rar

Keygen conectify.rar
Connectify 3.4 Hot Spot Pro Full version + keygen

Monday, December 24, 2012

Janet Jackson masuk Islam

Bintang terkenal Amerika, Janet Jackson dikatakan telah memeluk Islam. Janet dan tunangannya Wissam Al-Mana dilaporkan akan melangsungkan perkawinan di Doha Qatar tahun depan.

Pasangan itu berencana untuk mengikat tali perkawinan di Doha tempat kelahiran bakal suaminya yang merupakan seorang jutawan. Janet dan Wissam akan melangsungkan majelis perkawinan mengikut cara Islam.

Seorang penulis terkenal Turkey, Adnan Oktar atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Harun Yahya turut menyebut bahwa Janet Jackson, 46 sudah memeluk Islam mengikut jejak langkah saudara lelakinya Michael Jackson.

Bagaimanapun beliau memilih untuk merahasiakan status agamanya daripada pengetahuan para peminat seperti yang dilaporkan oleh portal

Menurut portal itu lagi, yang memetik sumber dalaman memaklumkan bahawa perkawinan itu akan menjadi "antara terbesar, mewah, paling diingati dan bersejarah"

Janet dikatakan telah menjalinkan hubungan bersama Wissam yang berumur 10 tahun lebih muda daripadanya semenjak musim panas 2010.

Janet yang pernah menjalinkan hubungan selama 7 tahun bersama penerbit muzik Jermaine Dupri itu berkata:
"Ibu mendidik kami agar percaya bahawa umur hanyalah sekadar nombor. Kesemua adik beradik kami akan terus memberitahu umur kami kerana ia menunjukkan secara mental di mana kamu dan bagaimana kamu berfikir tentang diri kamu sendiri. Ia bukanlah masaalah".


Ternyata pesawat UFO sudah pernah dibuat oleh orang muslim

Pesawat seperti ini sudah pernah dibuat pada zaman Nabi Sulaiman AS. Hal ini terlihat dari ayat Al Qur'an berikut:
"Lalu Kami jadikan Sulaiman memahaminya. Setiap orangnya Kami beri hukum dan pengetahuan; dan Kami edarkan bersama Daud gaya-gaya alamiah (Rawasia) dan burung-burung yang bertasbih. Dan Kamilah yang melakukannya." (QS. 21 : 79)

"Dan bagi Sulaiman, angin; yang perjalanannya di waktu pagi, sama dengan sebulan perjalanan dan di waktu sorenya sebulan (pula) dan Kami suruh menyelidiki baginya sumber logam. Di antara Jin ada yang bekerja di hadapannya dengan izin Tuhannya; dan siapa yang menyimpang di antara mereka dari perintah Kami, Kami rasakan kepadanya siksaan api yang menyala-nyala. Mereka mengerjakan untuk Sulaiman apa yang dia kehendaki dari gedung-gedung pencakar langit dan patung-patung, serta piring-piring seperti kolam dengan roda-roda yang bersumbu. Bekerjalah hai keluarga Daud sambil bersyukur, dan sedikit sekali dari hamba-hambaKu yang berterima kasih." (QS. 34 : 12-13)

Dari ayat di atas dapat diketahui, bahwa Nabi Sulaiman AS dengan kecerdasan dan ilmu pengetahuan yang dipahaminya berkat kebijaksanaan Allah, telah mampu memahami hukum-hukum alam, termasuk apa yang kita sebut sekarang dengan aerodinamika, kekekalan massa, kekekalan energi, dan lain sebagainya, sehingga beliau dapat menundukkan alam yang pada konteks ini khususnya adalah angin, sehingga dengan teknologinya beliau mampu melakukan perjalanan secepat kilat, yang perjalanannya di waktu pagi lamanya dengan perjalanan yang ditempuh oleh manusia biasa adalah 1 bulan.

Jelas Nabi Sulaiman AS meskipun berkedudukan sebagai seorang Nabi, ia tetaplah manusia biasa yang mempunyai keterbatasan dalam bertindak. Makanya tidak mungkin beliau itu menundukkan angin seperti cerita-cerita dongeng Abrakadabra layaknya sosok Superman atau Gatot Kaca, meskipun jika dia mau bisa saja melakukannya, tapi Allah senantiasa menetapkan hukum-hukumNya kepada manusia secara logis dan dinamis.

Tentunya sang Nabi telah mempergunakan sebuah pesawat di dalam bepergiannya yang sangat cepat itu. Dan bahan pesawat tersebut sebagimana yang tersirat dalam ayat Al Qur'an di atas adalah terbuat dari logam dengan menggunakan sumbu-sumbu pada bagian bawahnya sebagai tenaga naik mula-mula ke atas untuk menghindari pengaruh gravitasi bumi.

Istimewanya lagi, pesawat kendaraan Nabi Sulaiman ini berbentuk piring yang laksana kolam besarnya dan mampu untuk mencapai gedung-gedung pencakar langit yang dibuat oleh umatnya, sehingga memudahkan semua urusannya, termasuk memonitor kerja para prajurit dan umatnya dari ketinggian.

Ingat, selain berpangkat sebagai Nabi Allah, Sulaiman juga berkedudukan sebagai seorang raja pada masa itu. Apa yang sudah dicapai oleh Nabi Sulaiman dalam konstruksi pesawat terbang waktu itu, belumlah bisa kita wujudkan secara keseluruhan pada masa kini. Kita baru bisa memotong kompas yang amat sederhana. Jika sebelumnya perjalanan dari Palembang ke Jakarta ditempuh dengan kendaraan darat memakan waktu -/+ 1 hari penuh (tanpa berhenti), dengan pesawat terbang bisa dicapai dalam waktu 1 jam.

Namun, Nabi Sulaiman? Perjalanannya di waktu pagi sama dengan sebulan perjalanan manusia biasa. Bayangkan, berapa kecepatan yang dapat ditempuh oleh beliau dalam mengelilingi bumi ini, bahkan hingga naik keluar angkasa dalam satu perjalanan waktu Sulaiman.


Ternyata proses pembuatan pesawat UFO terinspirasi dari Alquran

"Sungguh, Allah menahan planet-planet dan bumi agar tidak luput (dari garis orbitnya), Jika semua itu sampai luput, adakah yang dapat menahannya selain Dia? Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Penyantun lagi Maha Pengampun." (QS. 35 : 41)

Semesta raya ini berasal dari Alma' yang diberi Rawasia. Rawasia merupakan turunan dari kata rasa "meneguhkan, mengikat, menambat," dan dengan demikian memiliki arti "peneguh, pengikat, penambat atau gaya alami," yang menyusun tata letak dan tata gerak semesta.

Para ilmuwan sendiri telah merumuskan 4 gaya alami yang mengatur matematika tata letak dan tata gerak semesta, yaitu:

1. Gravitasi yang membuat materi bermassa saling tarik-menarik.

2. Elektromagnetika yang bekerja pada muatan listrik yang diam dan bergerak, termasuk antara inti atom dan elektron.

3. Interaksi lemah yang mengikat inti atom.

4. Interaksi kuat yang mengikat partikel yang menyusun inti atom.

Maka, dengan berbagai sistem Rawasia itu, terwujudlah berbagai macam benda angkasa, terpisah menurut keadaan dan susunan sebagaimana yang terlihat sekarang. Namun, meski semua benda-benda angkasa, terutama planet-planet memiliki Rawasia, akan tetapi masing-masingnya mempunyai daya tarik yang berbeda.

Hal itu tergantung pada jarak suatu planet dari matahari selaku titik pusat yang dikitari. Semakin dekat suatu planet pada matahari, semakin kecilah daya tarik magnetnya, dan semakin teballah atmosfir yang melingkupi planet itu. Sebaliknya, bila suatu planet jauh dari matahari, maka nilai tarik magnetnya lebih besar dan atmosfirnya lebih tipis.

Demikian pula susunan bintang-bintang yang mengorbit dalam daerah suatu galaksi, berbeda-beda pula nilai tariknya. Bumi dan planet lainnya memiliki Rawasia dengan sistem yang dinamakan Simple. Contohnya kita pakai planet bumi ini sendiri : Dari utara ke selatan, membujur Rawasia atau batang magnet yang memutari bumi ini sebanyak 3600 dalam waktu 24 jam, tepatnya 23 Jam 56 menit.

Hal itu berlaku berkepanjangan. Kutub utara bumi adalah ujung Rawasia dengan magnet negatif dan di selatannya positif, yaitu kebalikan dari unsur magnet yang dimiliki matahari pada kedua kutubnya. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan adanya tarik menarik antara bumi dan matahari di sepanjang zaman. Bumi berputar di sumbunya sambil beredar mengelilingi matahari pada jarak tertentu yang diperkirakan sejauh 93.000.000 mil.

Kutub utara bumi menarik unsur positif dari permukaan matahari sembari membuang unsur negatif yang ditarik oleh kutub utara matahari. Kutub selatan bumi menarik unsur negatif sembari membuang unsur positif yang ditarik oleh kutub selatan matahari. Unsur magnet yang dikutub utara dan selatan bumi berpapasan dalam perut bumi dan perantukannya bisa menimbulkan gempa dan letusan gunung.

Jadi, magnet bumi ini hanya keluar di kutub-kutubnya dan karenanya permukaan planet ini praktis membeku dan dipakai untuk tempat kehidupan. Fungsi Rawasia yang demikian, kita namakan dengan sistem Simple.

Kalau orang memperhatikan kedudukan pool magnet bumi di utara dan di selatan, terbuktilah bahwa pool atau ujung Rawasia itu senantiasa berpindah tempat sejauh maximal 100 dari kutub putaran bumi atau sejauh 1.100 kilometer. Hal ini cocok dengan maksud ayat berikut:

“Dan Dia tempatkan Rawasia di bumi untuk memberi kekuatan padamu, dan siang-siang dan garis edaran agar kamu mendapatkan petunjuk, dengan kompas dan dengan matahari (bintang-bintang) mereka akan mendapat petunjuk.” (QS. 16 : 15-16)

Maksudnya adalah bahwa adakalanya matahari tepat menyinari daerah equator bumi, waktu itu tercatat tanggal 21 Maret dan 22 September. Jika pada kedua tanggal itu orang memperhatikan kompas, akan terlihatlah kedua jarumnya tepat menunjuk ke arah utara dan selatan kutub putaran bumi.

Ini memperlihatkan, bahwa antara kedua ujung Rawasia bumi terbentuk segitiga sama kaki dengan matahari sebagai titik sudut ketiga. Adakalanya matahari itu miring ke selatan, penanggalan waktu itu mencatat tanggal 22 Desember, berlakulah puncak musim panas di belahan selatan bumi dan puncak musim dingin di belahan utara bumi. Sebaliknya tanggal 21 Juni, matahari berada maksimal di utara dan berlakulah siang yang panjang di belahan utara bumi dan malam yang panjang di belahan selatan.

Pada kedua tanggal itu orang akan dapat memperhatikan, bahwa jarum kompas berpindah sejauh 100 dari kutub utara putaran bumi, karena sebagai dikatakan tadi : Ujung Rawasia bumi senantiasa membentuk segitiga sama kaki dengan matahari. Bumi yang beratnya sekitar 600 trilyun ton tidak jatuh pada matahari karena daya lantingnya (centrifugal) dalam mengorbit, sebaliknya dia tidak terlanting jauh keluar garis orbitnya ditahan oleh daya jatuhnya (gravitasi) pada matahari sebagai pusat orbit. Daya lanting bumi dan daya jatuhnya sama besar disebut dengan Equilibrium. Karena itulah, maka sampai sekarang bumi yang kita diami ini senantiasa berputar beredar mengelilingi matahari.

Al Qur'an sering menjelaskan persoalan rotasi dan orbit benda-benda angkasa, tidak bertiang dan tidak bertali, semuanya bergerak dalam keadaan bebas terapung. Hanya Rawasialah yang berlaku sebagai tenaga sentrifugal dan gaya tarik universal yang menyebabkan setiap planet itu berputar di sumbunya sembari membawanya berkeliling matahari.

Kini kita misalkan saja, bagaimana kalau daya lanting bumi dipakai, sedangkan daya jatuhnya ditiadakan? Waktu itu praktis bumi ini akan melayang jauh meninggalkan matahari, sebagaimana yang diungkapkan dalam surah 35 : 41 di atas.

Jadi tenaga centrifugal demikian dapat dipakai untuk terbang jauh, jika tenaga gravitasi dihilangkan. Akhirnya, kita pun terbentur kepada: Bagaimana cara menghilangkan daya jatuhnya itu?

Caranya adalah dengan memutar bagian pesawat secara horizontal. Bila putaran itu semakin cepat, maka akan semakin besarlah daya sentrifugal dan semakin kecillah daya gravitasi. Akhirnya, daya jatuh itu akan hilang sama sekali dan mulailah pesawat terangkat dengan mudah tanpa pengaruh tarikan bumi.

Namun, tentu tidak sesederhana itu. Kita akan heran, bagaimana pula pesawat dapat berputar terus menerus tanpa adanya tumpuan? Dari itulah kita namakan pesawat itu dengan "Shuttling System", yaitu pesawat berupa piring dempet yang di tengahnya merupakan tempat penumpang.

1. Bagian atas, kita namakan Positif, berputar ke kanan, semakin ke pinggir massanya lebih tebal dan berat.

2. Bagian bawah, kita namakan Negatif, berputar ke kiri, semakin ke pinggir massanya lebih tebal dan berat.

3. Bagian tengah, kita namakan Neutral, tempat awak pesawat serta perlengkapan dan mesin yang memutar positif dan negatif sekaligus.

Selain itu, perlu ada sebuah mesin yang memutar 2 piring pesawat itu dari dalam. Tidak jadi masalah, apakah mesin itu sama dengan yang memutar propeller kapal udara, ataukah yang mengangkat roket Apollo dari bumi.

Keliling pinggiran positif dan negatif boleh diberi gerigi yang menolak udara sewaktu berada dalam atmosfir. Udara yang ditolak ke kiri oleh Negatif, disambut tolakan ke kanan oleh Positif. Keadaannya dapat diatur dengan begitu rupa, hingga hal itu menjadi tenaga untuk mengangkat pesawat yang bebas gravitasi. Atau pinggiran itu boleh pula licin saja, maka tenaga naiknya harus ditimbulkan oleh ledakan dari dalam seperlunya.

Keseimbangan putaran Positif dan Negatif yang berlawanan arah ditimbulkan oleh satu roda gigi yang digerakkan oleh mesin dalam ruang Neutral. Semakin cepat putarannya, akan semakin hilanglah bobot pesawat itu untuk jatuh ke bumi. Karenanya, pesawat itu dapat turun naik dengan mudah atau berhenti di udara.

Bagian Neutral yang memang tebal di tengahnya, di sana ada mesin yang memutar Positif dan Negatif yang berlawanan arah, hingga pesawat itu tidak goncang. Kecepatan putaran itu akan menghilangkan bobot Neutral itu sendiri, karenanya pinggiran Negatif dan Positif harus lebih berat.

Bagian Neutral memiliki saluran ke atas dan ke bawah pada pusat Positif dan Negatif. Saluran itu diperlukan untuk radar dan peneropongan. Pintu masuk terdapat di pusat Positif, yaitu di atas pesawat. Pinggiran yang tipis dari Neutral diberi saluran-saluran penembakan untuk keseimbangan dan pembelokan, serta untuk keperluan lainnya.

Akhirnya, pesawat itu pun berupa piring terbang yang kebal peluru, tak membutuhkan landasan tertentu, dapat bergerak dengan kecepatan tinggi, waterproof, dapat leluasa bergerak untuk berbagai keperluan di darat, di laut, dan di angkasa yang bebas tanpa bobot sekalipun. Baik dalam keadaan damai, maupun dalam keadaan perang, efektif, tidak memerlukan bantuan dan pengawasan dari pangkalannya.


Pro Evolution Soccer 6 PC Game DVD Full Version

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 PC Game DVD Full Version

PES 6- Pro Evolution Soccer 6 Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer series has usually managed to outdo EA's FIFA series in the eyes of European critics, even if it rarely manages to generate the same level of sales. When Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 (or Pro Evolution Soccer 6 in Europe) was announced for the Xbox 360, it seemed gamers could finally look forward to a game that combined superb playability with more impressive visuals and a compelling online offering.

We're pleased to report that the newest Pro Evolution Soccer continues the series' tradition of playing a great game of football. From the moment you kick off, either against a friend or the computer, Pro Evolution Soccer delivers a fantastic representation of the sport. Realistic body shapes, player momentum, and ball physics combine to provide the greatest result yet. Just like in real football, you have to work at creating build-up play and set pieces, but in return you'll get a deep level of satisfaction when you score a truly remarkable goal.

The game's visuals have received some Xbox 360 attention. Konami has made this year's game tighter than ever before. For example, players need to be facing their intended targets to attain any sort of passing accuracy, and the game usually favours the defending player in one-on-one situations. Consequently, Pro Evolution Soccer 2007 is a slower game than its predecessor and favours quick-passing play as opposed to selfish, solo runs. On the other hand, fouls are awarded much less frequently this time around, which prevents the stop-start routine that marred PES5. Although it takes a while to adjust to these changes, the new version of Pro Evolution Soccer is the best yet in terms of action, and it will reward dedicated players with a good degree of depth.


System Requirements :

Processor= 1.4GHz
RAM= 512MB
Graphics= 96MB

  • Extract with WinRAR
  • Create New Folder
  • Extract both files in this Folder
  • Open Setup "Registry File" and Select "YES" and then ok
  • Enjoy

This is Torrent Download file. You must be Install µTorrent in your System.

Pro Evolution Soccer 6 PC Game DVD Full Version

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