Saturday, February 16, 2013

Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Full Version for Simple Movie Making

Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Full Version for Simple Movie Making

Corel introduces VideoStudio Pro X4 video editing software that lets anyone create and share their professional-quality videos. This latest version includes all-new, creative features to enable you to add Hollywood-style effects to your movies. It offers new Time-lapse tools that let you easily deliver the high-quality, photographic look and the new Stop Motion feature automates this traditional, time-consuming animation process. In addition, there are new capabilities that make it easy to create a 3D look from your 2D video...

Press Summary
Complete HD Video Editing, DVD Burning and Blu-ray™ Authoring Software Makes it Fast and Easy for Everyone to Get Creative with Video

Corel today introduces Corel® VideoStudio® Pro X4, the new version of its powerful video editing software that lets anyone create and share professional-quality videos. With outstanding speed and easy ways to bring great-looking movies to the screen, VideoStudio Pro X4 combines power and simplicity to break down the barriers to video editing.
Simplified and Powerful Video Editing for Everyone
Whether you're a new user or have a long-time passion for video editing, VideoStudio Pro X4 is an ideal choice with its uncomplicated approach to movie making, impressive effects and outstanding speed-to-results.

This latest version includes all-new, creative features to enable anyone to add Hollywood-style effects to their movies. VideoStudio Pro X4 offers new Time-lapse tools that let you easily deliver the high-quality, photographic look of professional productions as your movie speeds your audience through time. The new Stop Motion feature automates this traditional, time-consuming animation process, taking away the complexity of bringing objects like toys or figures to life. In addition, there are new capabilities that make it easy to create a 3D look from your 2D video, emulating the immersive feel of 3D movies on the big screen.
Making the editing process faster than ever, VideoStudio Pro X4 delivers unprecedented performance with new optimization for 2nd generation Intel® Core™ (Sandy Bridge) and AMD Fusion processors. For users who may not have the latest hardware, VideoStudio Pro offers the unique Smart Proxy feature as well as support for CUDA, GPU acceleration and multi-core processing to provide quick and responsive editing.
"With HD everywhere from the living room to your mobile device, we're surrounded by stunning video. With VideoStudio Pro X4, we're giving users the tools to confidently jump into editing their own professional-looking movies – fast," said Jan Piros, who leads product management for Corel VideoStudio Pro. "Everything we've done in X4 is designed to accelerate the video editing process and let you maintain your creative flow as you realize your vision on screen. With a powerful collection of new features, VideoStudio Pro X4 dramatically expands the possibilities of what anyone, even kids, can do with consumer video editing software."
"Today, more people are capturing and editing video than ever before," said Kathleen Maher, Senior Analyst at Jon Peddie Research. "The most successful software packages are not only about lots of features, they're about helping people make movies they can be proud of and distribute and show anywhere. Corel's new VideoStudio Pro X4 is an example of this new breed of video product."

New and Enhanced Features in Corel VideoStudio Pro X4
• New! Stop Motion animation: Have fun making movies that bring inanimate objects to life. Capture images from webcams, camcorders and DSLR cameras and use the automated tools and settings to simplify the stop-motion animation process.
• New! Speed/Time-lapse: Easily create time-lapse effects from a series of photos or video clips and give your movies the professional look of speeding up time. With the ability to handle full-resolution files and very large-size image sets, this is a perfect tool for HD-DSLR photographers.
• New! Processor optimization: Offering exceptional power and speed, VideoStudio Pro X4 is optimized for the new 2nd generation Intel® Core™ and AMD Fusion processors.
• Enhanced! Integrated HD authoring and burning: Ideal for upgrade customers, it's easier than ever to author HD movies to DVD and Blu-ray™ Disc with tightly integrated disc creation tools.
• New! 3D export: Convert 2D video clips into 3D files with presets for 3D output on DVD, Blu-ray™, and AVCHD discs, as well as WMV 3D formats for mobile. Box versions also include a pair of 3D glasses.
• New! Customizable Workspace: Set up your workspace the way you want – including across dual monitors.
• Enhanced! Web sharing: With presets for YouTube™, Vimeo®, Facebook® and Flickr® in both HD and SD formats, it's easy to upload directly to your site of choice.
• New! Import/Export Movie Templates: Make your own templates and effects that you can upload and share with other VideoStudio Pro X4 users.
• Enhanced! Corel Guide: Get the tools you need to make great movies with free in-product training videos delivered through the Corel Guide. Click on the Corel Guide inside VideoStudio Pro X4 to access an array of useful information, Help, product updates and add-ons, downloadable media packs, and more.
• Enhanced! Smart Package: Automatically gather your entire project – video, photo, and audio files – into one folder you can take with you while choosing a custom compression method and secure with password encryption, powered by newly integrated WinZip® technology.

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Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Full Version for Simple Movie Making 


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